Sujeneng is a Javanese Shakespearean name

May 14, 2033 14:38

Sujeneng is a Javanese Shakespearean name.

It's true. "Su" means good, and "jeneng" means name. What can be inferred about that name? It brags about nothing. Being good but not beautiful, nor excellent. And in Javanese, the "Su" is deleteable, as the prefix comes as a mere convention. Thus, "jeneng" is all that left.
What's in a name. A "jeneng" ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

fujimiya_freya February 20 2010, 07:51:48 UTC
I thought 'apik' is for good...


sujeneng February 20 2010, 13:18:47 UTC
some words mean "good".
"apik", "sae", and "becik"... all of them mean 'good'. but none of them is good enough for a suffix. "Su" is the only one.

"Suharto" means 'good money'. it really fits him well, right? ;)


fujimiya_freya February 20 2010, 14:12:49 UTC
"Suharto" = 'good money'
...'s like too ironic to be true -.-'''
So do I get my virtual cookies? :p and friend you?

Jawa mana bu? Saya orang magetan heuheu.


sujeneng February 20 2010, 14:20:19 UTC
oops sorry.
here's your cookie *throws bishie-formed cookies*

saya org jogja. magetan itu kalo dr jogja sebelum ponorogo yah?
ayo kekancan neng LJ ;)


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sujeneng March 18 2010, 14:56:23 UTC
karena kita berteman, nih brownies rasa bishie... silakan dicicipi ;)


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sujeneng August 11 2010, 09:06:18 UTC
kembalikan dulu bang toyibkuuuu

boleh dong. mari berteman di LJ!
*nyodorin bakpia buat buka puasa*


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sujeneng April 13 2011, 10:18:14 UTC
hah? yang beneeer???
saya tinggal di kadipaten, masih deketlah ama pasar ngasem. jadi rumah kita cuma terpisah 2-3 halte transjogja ya... :p

*suguhin bakpia keju*


mesti November 21 2011, 01:38:27 UTC
Fled-saaaaan~... *lambai2*
Makasih udah add saya. Udah saya add balik ^^

Ta-tapi maaf kalo saya mungkin bakalan jarang mampir kesini, soalnya saya lagi males buka LJ (multiply saya juga lagi terlantar sih... entah kenapa lagi males aja ngeblog)

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~


sujeneng January 1 2012, 17:14:03 UTC
hai mesti *lambai-lambai pake rumbai-rumbai*
makasih udah mampir dan add saya. dan...

selamat ulang tahun \o/
*sodorin kue tart*

moga2 mesti makin rajin nulis fic dan kembali ngeblog ;)


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