round four prompt post - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS

Oct 02, 2011 18:38



IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains ( Read more... )

prompts, round four

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obviously 1/5 moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:30:09 UTC
1. Donna actually knows it's going to happen before Harvey knows, because after all men are very frequently clueless when it comes to matters such as this, and Harvey even more so, which is a source of endless amusement for Donna. Not to mention that Mike is so transparent he might as well be made of saran wrap; how he and Harvey thought they could hide this from anybody, Donna has no clue.

So she waited, with slightly baited breath, for them to inform her of this new and exciting development, but they...didn't. And didn't, and didn't, and kept right on not telling her until Donna was ready to explode from anticipation ( ... )


obviously 2/5 moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:30:48 UTC
2. Donna wouldn't pull that move than once (in the same week, anyway) but this is an emergency. As in, Jessica is working late (which she never does, at the office anyway, obviously something's going on and her sources aren't talking, more investigation is apt) and so is Donna, and Harvey and Mike, although "working late" for Harvey and Mike has obviously turned into "sex in Harvey's office, because Mike's place is a dump and Harvey has too many commitment issues to take Mike to his." Or so Donna assumes.

Anyway, so like she was saying, it's an emergency. She even knocks this time, so that should be completely evident.

"Harvey, Jessica's on the way down here, probably to bug you about the Hawthorne case, so you should probably get the files out for her so she's marginally less inclined to murder you, and Mike, get out from under there, that suit costs more than my apartment.Harvey raises an eyebrow at her and smirks at Mike, climbing out from beneath the desk, face beet red. "Why don't you take a bathroom break, rookie," he says ( ... )


obviously 3/5 moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:31:17 UTC
3. At the annual National Cancer Foundation charity dinner, at 7:54 PM exactly, Donna spots Harvey leading Mike out of the ballroom, mouth pressed into a flat line and his hair ever-so-slightly ruffled, and her eyes narrow.

She waits ten more minutes, then strides outside and flings the door open to their limo. A loud squawk, the sound of a heel hitting the window, and Donna smiles brightly. Mission accomplished.

"Sorry!" she says, and slams the door shut again. Inside, the limo shakes back and forth slightly.

Ray gives her a disapproving look as she breezes by the front door back into the hotel and she shrugs. Whatever, that was just fun.


obviously 4/5 moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:32:50 UTC
and this is the point where this grew a plot. er.

4. Harvey's in one of his moods, rare but powerful as they are. They're usually characterized by an increase in venomous, unwarranted insults to random passersby, dark under-eye circles, and sometimes, flying projectiles. Like the case brief that just barely missed Mike's forehead.

"What the hell was that for?" Mike yelps. Donna sees him readjusting his suit through the gap in the blinds, strategically ripped in the perfect place for Donna to see in from her desk. Well, what, the intercom always stays on, this should be no different.

"Because you're annoying me," she hears Harvey say.

Donna rolls her eyes, expecting Mike to babble something sarcastic and storm out like he usually does when Harvey pulls the diva act, but instead, he moves out of sight of Donna's spy-rip, towards Harvey's desk, and says, "You are so full of shit ( ... )


obviously 5a/5 moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:34:40 UTC
5. Let's be clear, Mike is not Donna's friend. He's more like...someone she likes talking to and spending time with occasionally. Out of pity. Kind of like her little brother's best friend, who used to follow her around in high school with a dopey look on his face. He just kept giving her things, what was she supposed to do?

So long as everyone understands this, she's good.

"I don't know what to do," Mike says miserably. Donna hums neutrally and pushes the plate of manicotti towards him hopefully. It's very expensive manicotti. It should help, right?

Mike ignores it. "I mean, it was one thing for him to push me around before, but now that we're..." he makes some kind of vague hand gesture that Donna takes to mean rutting like bunny rabbits. "'s different. Or at least, it should be different."

"Harvey's big on the personal/professional line," Donna offers. "He wouldn't let one affect the other."

"But it is," Mike says. "When he's unhappy with me at work, he's unhappy with me all the time. Not that there is a whole lot of ( ... )


obviously 5b/5 moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:35:22 UTC
She sits in awkward silence for almost twenty minutes, eyeing the ID of one Mr. Ato Kallicharan and trying to guess his nationality (West Indies, maybe?) when her phone buzzes with another text.

mayday, mayday, says Mike.

what the actual hell, she responds.

he just opened a bottle of Bordeaux, is the immediate reply. Donna immediately puts her phone away, throws some money through the grate and strides inside.

The doorman shoots her an odd look, but she's been on Harvey's green light list for years and breezes right to the elevators. Bordeaux, she's thinking, as she glides upward in the creepy box of glass that is Harvey's elevator. For God's sake.

She pounds on the door, channeling Glenn Close, a la Fatal Attraction. Mike is the one to open the door - his collar askew, and red marks dotting the pale skin of his throat.

"Oh thank Jesus," he mutters.

Donna smirks. "What the hell, Mike," she says, loudly. "I've been waiting for almost half an hour."

"You brought Donna with you?" Harvey appears behind Mike's shoulder. Donna ( ... )


obviously (epilogue) moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:36:44 UTC
+1. The first thing Harvey does when he gets to the office the next morning is confront her. Well, not like she wasn't expecting it.

"He asked me for my help and I gave it to him," she defends herself.

"By what, saving him from me?" Harvey says incredulously. He paces the small stretch of floor between his desk and the window restlessly. He looks perfectly composed - maybe a little angry - but Donna notices the small cracks, the things that tell her he's hardly slept.

"Well, he needed it." Harvey shoots her a betrayed look. "What? He's not like you and me, Harvey. He's - he's." Donna falters. "He's different."

"I know that," Harvey says intensely ( ... )


obviously (epilogue 2/2) moirariordan October 9 2011, 19:37:54 UTC
"But I need you to work with me," Mike says. Harvey grunts. "Hey look, I'm not asking for you to write me love poems and take me to the prom, okay, I just need to you to let me know I'm not alone in this every once in awhile."

"You're not," Harvey replies shortly.

Donna smiles. Sometimes, she really does love Harvey a lot.

"Well, that's enough for me," Mike says, sounding warm and fond. Obviously, he feels the same way as Donna.

"I will work with you if that's what you want," Harvey says, after a significant pause. "Because I do...want to give you what you want."

"Oh, I bet you do," Mike says, laughing. Donna chortles into her hand.

"Mature," Harvey comments.

"You're such an idiot," Mike replies affectionately. Donna hears more suspicious rustling, then some even more suspicious noises. Donna rolls her eyes and switches the intercom off, then grabs her hot chocolate and heads for the break room, feeling generous.

No one else will be in for at least another hour. It'll almost be like a date, or something.



Re: obviously (epilogue 2/2) moirariordan October 9 2011, 20:37:52 UTC
This is adorable. Now I really want more Donna+Mike BFFness.


Re: obviously (epilogue 2/2) moirariordan October 10 2011, 00:37:05 UTC
haha, me too. :) thank you!


Re: obviously (epilogue 2/2) pegasuspup October 10 2011, 00:04:14 UTC
I really loved this story. Everything flowed really well.


Re: obviously (epilogue 2/2) moirariordan October 10 2011, 00:37:26 UTC
thank you so much! :)


Re: obviously (epilogue 2/2) moirariordan October 10 2011, 11:02:48 UTC
Awww, so much love for this fill! Absolutely perfect, first the hilarious times when Donna kept interrupting them and then the more serious stuff with Harvey's commitment issues and Mike/Donna friendship. Great job!XD


Re: obviously (epilogue 2/2) moirariordan October 14 2011, 20:10:51 UTC
thank you! :)


OP 0justlisten0 October 10 2011, 14:51:21 UTC
(First off, I would like to apologize for probably bombing your inbox earlier by commenting on everything, but then I deleted them and said this instead, so... My apologies.)

With that said...

LOL and <3

I love you, dear author! You are wonderful, and amazing, and so full of fraking win with your Donna-voice, and with Harvey's "issues," and Mike's puppy-ness.

And LOL! I wasn't expecting this to spawn a plot! But it's okay that it did because it was simply amazing!

I graciously thank you for filling this random prompt of mine (and so quickly too!) and would like to inform you that Ily! lol XD <3


Re: OP moirariordan October 14 2011, 20:11:15 UTC
haha, I didn't mind :) I love you too, OP, and I'm glad you liked it! :DD


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