2008: Wish List

Oct 13, 2008 17:53

Please understand that by filling this out, you are committing to participate in SuikoSantaRedux 2008. You will be expected to complete at a minimum a fanfic of 500 or more words or a cleaned up pencil sketch for another member of the community.

Everyone's wishes are private this year! That way, we'll have lots of lovely surprises come the holidays!

Rules for Wishes:
1. Please submit five different requests. (ie: Five separate requests for hawt Louis/Percy/Borus action won't work)

2. Please DO NOT specify whether you prefer a gift of art or fanfic.

3. This exchange is yaoi/yuri/het/gen friendly. Though, if in your application you state you don't want to write/draw yaoi (for example), I will do my best not to give you a Wish List full of yaoi-pairing requests.

4. If requesting NC-17, you must have at LEAST TWO requests that are not NC-17.

5. Requests may be as vague or specific as you like.

6. Include characters, pairings, ideas, dialogue, settings, scenarios or anything else that you feel might help get your Santa’s spark going!

7. Have fun!

What you’d like me to call you ^__^

A working one that you check regularly, please. I won’t pass it around, I promise.

If you have it and don’t mind giving it out, AIM would help me get questions to you faster.

Author/Artist: Please specify which you are ^__^

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
Since Suikoden is such a diverse world, I need to know which games you know and love. Please do not put “all.” List them. This will assist me in avoiding spoilers with those who have not played certain games.

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Again, with so many characters to choose from, this will help me in creating good matches. You don’t need to list all of your favorites, just the ones you feel most comfortable with.

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Same idea as above.

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
For example, if you don't want to write or draw smut, put smut here. Please don't be afraid to list something here now - it will make it a much worse situation if you're, say, afraid of writing about squid, and you get served with three requests for fanfic about Abizboah and his family. Please respect other people's tastes, too, even if what they dislike is exactly your cup of tea.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
A back-up writer/artist is someone who will take on a second assignment if, for some reason, the original Secret Santa was unable to finish. Preference will be given to those who have already completed their first project, and you will never be forced to be a back-up writer if you say yes now - I will ask you, and you will always have the right to refuse should something come up.

When you're ready, copy/paste the form into a comment!





Games you will write/draw for:

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?


Request 1:
Request 2:
Request 3:
Request 4:
Request 5:

Comments Screened ♥

2008, wish list

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