[New decks] grandstaff12, noise13 and phantom18.
[Game: card scramble] science c, windwaker12 and harmonia16.
[Game: comedy section] art c, halo18 and badluck09.
[Game: lucky match] english c and solieu03. (brigade17)
[Game: war!] hourglass07 and empress04.
[Game: game profile] english b, member card, dark04 and abuse10.
[Game: 10 puzzle] noise06, eidolon07, society10, magdalene20, vampires[M]04, cephiro13, stage01, ohtori17, traveler11, tenipuri15, villains[G]13, amnesia19, heart18, two extra credits and a special choice credit.
[Trade] my lotis03/11, treasure18, wishes20 and black07 for
Laura's noise03, reyvateil03/10, style18 and trick14.
[Doubles exchange] epitaph18, tenipuri15 and empress04 for melody03, stage14 and love14.
[Game: slots] master02, grandstaff07 and eres13.
[Trade] my toy07/18, black18 and white12 for
Janai's etoile09, overlord15, princesses20 and princes02.
[Trade] my embryo04/14 and snowfall04 for
Lucathia's chopin09 and style04/06.
[Trade] my sakabatou15 for
FafnirH's netherworld04.
[Trade] my bloodyrose01 and member card for
Chayenne's noise15 and member card.
[Game: puzzle] english b, member card, kira16 and family01.
[Game: memory] crossfire09 and trigger11.
[Game: old library books] science b, snowfall01 and angelframe13.
[Game: famous artist] art b, shinigami09 and emigre09.
[Game: which color] history c, black11 and krusnik02.
[Trade] my melody03 and villains[G]18 for
Ice Archeress' noise05 and princesses15.
[Trade] my vampires[M]04 for
FafnirH's trick03.
[Trade] my chicago09, orphan16 and edge10 for
Zombieguy's style03/09/15.
[Trade] my matsuri05, twin10 and krusnik10/13 for
Arianne's razenshia04/13, terresia02 and style13.
[Trade] my nerv18, library08, district19, tartarus07 and member card for
Haseo's adlibitum07, lovesong05, phantom06, style05 and member card.
[Trade] my devil14, shinra08/10/16 and member card for
Kilika's etria11, kurukuru07, nightclass19, adlibitum17 and member card.
[Trade] my chii01/18 ans member card for
ChibaChi's shinrabanshou13, lovesong20 and member card.
[New decks] smile02, shinrabanshou06 and resonance11.
[Game: card scramble] english c, kurukuru09 and shinigami06.
[Game: comedy section] science c, shibuya11 and gullwings11.
[Game: war!] soul07 and persocom08.
[Game: screen confusion] history b, princes18 and shambala01.
[Game: slots] ghost17, zoanoid06 and retribution15.
[Game: mistery isbn] science b, member card, origin18 and thief02.
[Trade] member cards with
[Trade] my imperial02/04 and member card for
Karen's noise01, phantom01 and member card.
[Grades exchange] an art a, seven art b, an art c, five english b, two english c, three history b, two history c, a music b, two misic b, four science b, two science c and sixteen extra credits tokens for emperium02/03/04/05/07/09/11/12, makeup16, angel15, overlord02/03/10/12/14/20, assassin04, dogs04, etoile05/06/13/18, mascots10, model18, netherworld03, blood18, escape19, chopin01/08/10/11/13/14/17/18, iroha04, race15, style02/07/10/20 and shibuya13/15/16/18/19/20.
[Mastery: chopin] netherworld05, netherworld06, tiara17 and nishimata14.
[Mastery: overlord] noise02, noise04, shinrabanshou09 and smile04.
[Game: puffer abc] donated love20.
[Trade] my attorney12/20, esper15, medium12 and newgen20 for
Jenphi's adlibitum16, etria12, lovesong07, reyvateil04 and terresia07.
[Trade] my eitoku10, feather13, princess10, ballet07/10, coach07, scholar02/05 and vampiresm12/15 for
Elin's etoile11, nightclass15, razenshia05/08, shibuya17, adlibitum08, emperium14, style14, princes04 and princesses16.
[Mastery: shibuya] noise14, netherworld07, problems17 and alchemy07.
[Mastery: etoile] noise08, noise09, friends09 and tiara01.
[Mastery: style] darkness01, darkness02, iris13 and oscar01.
[Doubles exchange] iroha04 for mint10.
[Game: puzzle] art b, member card, peach09 and drifter20.
[Game: memory] society04 and contractor13.
[Game: video club] history c, magicalgirls11 and master04.
[Game: old library books] art b, treat09 and ballet05.
[Game: which color] art c, phantom08 and whiteflower03.
[Trade] my 10000cards08 for
Ecks' princes09.
[Trade] my overdose07, ribbon06/13 and black11 for
Laura's nightclass12, bohra06, kurukuru10 and princesses19.
[Trade] my norse14/20, shudelmir18 and member card for
Akenon's nightclass11, terresia14/17 and member card.
[Trade] my persocom03/08 and retribution09/15 for
Chi-sama's passion11/15 and razenshia06/20.
[Game: report card] science a, art a, history a, music b, science b, five member cards, villains[G]09/17, cresta05, exorcist06, eclipse14, psypher11, vampires[M]11, gramarye12, ohtori20, seven10, dogs02, princesses02/09, designer08, approach03, armors02, persona05, zodiac10, books12, toy04 and nobodies14.
[Mastery: member card set (40)] art b, english b, history b, music b, science b and two extra credits.
[Deck donation reward: berry] two extra credits, dhampir10, detective11, peach18 and comic08.
[Game: card scramble] art c, ocarina07 and trick08.
[Game: lucky match] science c and scythe19.
[Game: war!] silmeria05 and cross17.
[Game: screen confusion] science b, epitaph12 and poison19.
[New decks] furien14, mechanical05 and will04.
[Update: valentine's day] adlibitum01 and emperium15.
[Game: game profile] art b, member card, objection04 and guardian06.
[Game: rejected titles] art b, ikaru05 and purify19.
[Game: mystery isbn] science b, member card, villains[G]16 and natural01.
[Game: puffer abc] donated designer08.
[Trade] my toy04, brush19, guitar05, host18, space19 and white05 for
Janai's bohra07, cresta06, kurukuru14, passion18, phantom10 and treat15.
[Trade] member cards with
[Trade] my dats16, dhampir10, digivolve11 and love13/14 for
Bunny's etria08, terresia12, passion05 and swordian08/20.
[Game: card swap] my trigger11 and guitar15 for the swap's phantom11 and shutter15.
[Game: which color] english c, windwaker13 and scissorman12.
[Game: famous artist] english b, betrayal12 and adena02.
[Game: memory] designer15 and persona12.
[Game: puzzle] history b, member card, esthar04 and football16.
[Updates: famous artist] english b, nobodies17 and couples[M]14.
[New decks] azure02/04, victorian15, prophecy19 and pandora10.
[Game: card scramble] science c, billion13 and mechanical12.
[Game: comedy section] history c, princesses11 and dogs03.
[Game: war!] desire20 and elicoor11.
[Game: screen confusion] music b, trick01 and model02.
[Game: lucky match] music c and schoolgirls01 (kimlasca16)
[Trade] my shibuya11, dragon16 and mascots07 for
Kartoffel's darkness11, terresia04 and treat01.
[Puzzle deck donation reward: dawn] extra credit, magdalene06 and akuma10.
[Grades exchange] an art a, five art b, two art c, two english b, a history a, a history b, two history c, three music b, a science a, four science b, two science c and a special choice token for emperium16/17/18/19/20, cresta01, angel12, commotion03, meitantei05, darkness03/04, terresia01/03, riddle07, delivery06, tenkai01, noise07/10/11, nostalgia17, passion02/03/04/06/07, deus07, section907, master04 and princesses17.
[Game: puzzle] music b, member card, dscanner09 and meister01.
[Game: memory] sinnoh14 and class20.
[Game: video club] music c, trick12 and friends12.
[Game: old library books] music b, seishun08 and embryon11.
[Game: famous artist] music b, black01 and leap20.
[Game: which color] music c, prophecy20 and dark15.
[Game: comedy section] history c, pink02 and pink12.
[Game: lucky match] art c and gullwings05. (twili07)
[Game: screen confusion] history b, dats07 and whiteflower06.
[Game: music lesson] science a, demon04 and newgen20.
[Game: card scramble] english c, magicalgirls14 and lovesong13.
[Trade] my coralian19 and membercard for
Arisa's nightclass17 and membercard.
[Deck donation reward: lapistier] two extra credits, stranger09, lovesong01, stolen03 and ace19.
[Doubles exchange] natural01, master04, meitantei05, section907, stolen03, pink02 and armors02 for bbcompany03, meister02, diablo02, hanagumi08, coordinator16, meitantei08 and schoolgirls06.