SH 2015: Yours Truly, With Love & Confection (for drainbamage954)

May 13, 2015 08:48

For: drainbamage954
From: ANONYMOUS until May 22, 2015

Title: Yours Truly, With Love & Confection
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s)/Focus: Suho-centric with hinted at Suho/Xiumin and Suho/Baekhyun, [endgame spoiler]endgame Suho/Baekhyun ^^; side!Lay/Lu Han (side!Tao/Kyungsoo if you squint)
Length: 58,825 words
Summary: Sometimes Joonmyun feels claustrophobic living in a small town where literally the entire population knows either him, his mother, or his kids (or his weird and annoying next door neighbor). But when a mysterious young man arrives to fill in as his new intern for the summer, Joonmyun’s not sure he likes the change, either.
Warning/s: weird!Luhan, language, kid!Jongin, kid!Jongdae, [Spoiler (click to open)]mentions of feminine hygiene products; mentions of Suho and Kyungsoo having been previously married to women

Notes: *sad laughter that fades off into the gloaming*

(Dad! Dad, I think it's on fire!)

with: baekhyun, 2015: submissions

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