Title: Quelling the Storm
Pairing: Taguchi / Ueda (JunDa)
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff with a light toss of angst
Summary: Ueda gets too immersed in the role of Ando Ryuu.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anybody.
Author’s Note: Prompt and summary by
racanai! I hope I did your idea justice >_< Written for Ueda's birthday post
Quelling the Storm
Ueda stomps into the dance studio. )
Comments 15
I mean, Ueda did mention that sometimes Ryuu comes out during his real life right? I'm glad Junno was there to help him through it ^^
“Ando Ryuu doesn’t need to learn the dance for Fumetsu no Scrum. KAT-TUN’s Ueda Tatsuya is the one that needs to turn up. Come for lessons only when Uepi is back.”
Aww Junno!!! That was so meaningful and just my fav line in this fic >w<
It was angsty but still somehow JunDa fluffy at the same time *w* Hehe thanks for sharing~ =D
You picked up my favourite line in the story too :D
I hope the fluff managed to neutralise the angst.
Thank you for reading ^__^
And I absolutely love it! Like pandanyan I think that certain sentence by Taguchi is really powerful! I like how Junno can see through Ueda's behaviour and his way to help him! And the last sentence is ♥!
Thanks so much for fulfilling this difficult prompt! I'm really happy! ^^
That sentence which pandanyan picked up is my favourite too (: I guess it acted like a wake-up call for Ueda >__<
Initially I didn't put the last sentence but after much thought, I decided to add it for a slightly more proper (and fluffy) ending. I'm glad I did!
I'm happy to hear that :D
It's right the fluff I hoped for! ^^
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Thank you for reading!
good plot and storyline follow up!
I did read something about Tatsuya getting really absorbed in this role for botr... so this makes everything believable ^^
and Junno... I love a serous Junno... he's just what's needed to balance Ryu and Tatsuya :-)
Thank you for reading!
Thank you for sharing<3
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