Per-Entry Toggling of Comment IP Logging

Jul 12, 2008 20:12

Per-Entry Toggling of Comment IP Logging

Short, concise description of the idea
I would like to be able to toggle Comment IP Logging for a specific entry without having to enable or disable it for the entire journal.

Full description of the idea
Currently, it is only possible to enable or disable Comment IP Logging for an entire journal. Although it is possible to override other comment settings for a specific entry, such as comment disabling or screening, it is not possible to override IP Logging.

Being able to disable and/or enable IP Logging on a per-entry basis might be desirable in some situations. For instance, someone who has IP Logging enabled for their whole journal as the default setting may want to disable it for an entry in which they are inviting anonymous feedback and want to reassure commenters that they won't be tracking their IP addresses. At the same time, they may not want to effectively disable IP logging for all of their other entries just to disable it for one entry. Per-entry toggling would prevent this problem.
An ordered list of benefits
  • More flexibility in security options for individual journal entries.
  • Users won't have to compromise IP Logging for all of their journal entries just in order to disable it for individual entries (or enable it for all entries just to do so for a particular one).
  • Possibly less reluctance on the anonymous commenter's part to leave a comment in an entry where anonymous feedback is encouraged.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • As always, the time and trouble needed to code this; it might be more troublesome to implement the ability to disable IP logging for individual entries, than it would be for per-entry enabling.
  • ***This would NOT be a guarantee of absolute privacy on the part of the commenter.*** I repeat: This would NOT be a guarantee of absolute privacy on the part of the commenter. Even if Comment IP Logging is disabled for the entry, the entry's author can still use other means to try to determine who might have left an anonymous comment.
  • This ability may have limited use for non-Public entries, in which anonymous comments cannot be left.
  • As with the current implementation, IP numbers cannot be logged retroactively. I'm sure that should go without saying, but I might as well bring it up. ;)
  • Probably other things I'm not remembering at the moment.

entries, comments, ip addresses, § no status, comment creation

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