Basic accounts suggestion

Mar 20, 2008 14:12

Basic accounts suggestion

Short, concise description of the idea
There is talk of restoring basic accounts for some people. This one suggestion of a possible tiered account system, that I think would benefit the LJ business and users alike.

Full description of the ideaDespite Mr. Nosik's disparaging dismissal of the stripped-down level of ( Read more... )

ads, account types, § no status

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Comments 24

bitter_crimson April 9 2008, 18:05:45 UTC
I think one possible additional problem could be all the different expiration times. What happens if someone initially purchases a paid account, and then on varying dates afterward signs up for additions? Would they all expire with the paid account? I don't know how this would be addressed, but it would have to be, and it seems this could possibly make administration a lot more complicated. (However, it seems like there might be a similar system currently in place for the extra userpics add-on? I have a permanent account, so I don't know.)


opal1159 April 10 2008, 01:40:46 UTC
If you have extra userpics time left when your paid status expires, your extra userpics will be put on hold. If you pay again, you get the remaining extra userpics time reinstated.


(The comment has been removed)

starwatcher307 April 10 2008, 20:01:19 UTC
I cannot remember the exact argument or where it took place, but a la carte pricing has been rejected in the past.

I didn't know that; guess I haven't been around long enough. But, since they let this suggestion out of moderation, maybe they're considering it now.

That exists already:

Perhaps it works better in theory than in practice. I know I've seen several people who were upset / disgusted at the ads that were placed on their page. For example, I might say that 'entertainment' ads were okay, but object to a specific ad for a violent film with a premise that goes against everything I stand for. I feel that people should have the option of NOT hosting offensive (to them) material on their own page.


right April 9 2008, 22:53:54 UTC
This ultimately makes paid accounts more expensive (if you want more than bare bones), so I'm going with a "no".


starwatcher307 April 10 2008, 19:50:48 UTC
I was just throwing numbers around as an example; I doubt that LJ would adhere to the exact list I suggested.

That said, it'll be more expensive for those who want all the bells and whistles, and less for those who don't. Or, for those who find ads merely a minor annoyance, they can go plus or sponsored.


queerbychoice April 10 2008, 01:03:48 UTC
"Also remember -- many products entice people by offering free samples. I was extremely reluctant to join LJ, and did so only after the arm-twisting of several friends. I started with a basic account -- no payment, no ads. After about four months, I went paid (Plus wasn't an option) and have maintained that for 3-1/2 years. If I had to pay before I decided if I liked the place, or to look at ad content which I despise, I wouldn't be here."

Wonderful explanation - this applies to me also. That said, I still wouldn't have joined if the ad-free service that attracted me had been set to expire after a certain time.

Also, I think LiveJournal could develop a serious shortage of usernames if a lot of people created new journals every four months to avoid ads.


starwatcher307 April 10 2008, 19:55:04 UTC
if a lot of people created new journals every four months to avoid ads.

I didn't think of that. (Apparently, basic honesty can be a handicap.) But I know there are ways to recognize an internet "personal imprint". I'm sure LJ could could figure out something to forestall that behavior.

But seriously, if someone is really getting into the LJ experience -- friending, posting, etc -- would they want to start all over every four months just to avoid a minimal fee for basic service? I sincerely doubt it.


queerbychoice April 10 2008, 23:23:00 UTC
"But I know there are ways to recognize an internet 'personal imprint.'"

Not foolproof ways. The most reliable way is to check someone's IP address, and that's not very reliable at all since many Internet Service Providers assign people a different IP address each time they connect to the Internet, and reassign the old IP addresses to different customers. One LJ user could be blocked from creating an ad-free account because a different LJ user had already created one.

"But seriously, if someone is really getting into the LJ experience -- friending, posting, etc -- would they want to start all over every four months just to avoid a minimal fee for basic service? I sincerely doubt it."

The majority probably wouldn't, but I think a sizeable minority probably would. LJ is a big enough service that a sizeable minority could still be enough to cause problems.


azurelunatic April 11 2008, 03:12:49 UTC
This is the sort of thing that would probably be authenticated by email address.


Basic Accounts Trial Period ankhorite April 15 2008, 17:40:02 UTC
+ 1


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