Add to My LJ/Portal

Jul 31, 2006 01:23

Add to My LJ/Portal

Short, concise description of the idea
Add the ability to link to lj_releases and lj_design from the LJ Announcements box in My LJ/Portal

Full description of the idea
Add the ability to link to lj_releases and lj_design from the LJ Announcements box in My LJ/Portal, giving users a stronger sense of connection to the LiveJournal community -- and less like new ( Read more... )

portal / my lj, documentation, § obsolete

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Comments 5

hopefulnebula July 31 2006, 05:45:29 UTC
I like. Perhaps also a link to the FAQ about official LJ comms?


krysaia July 31 2006, 15:04:17 UTC
I like this too, but if they implement this, hopefully they'll link to the full view of the relevant FAQ and not just the bloody mini-blurb.


ex_uniquewo July 31 2006, 06:18:50 UTC
Yep. At least lj_releases. Adding status would be great too.


More and more and more.... zorkfox July 31 2006, 06:44:46 UTC
What about lj_biz? It seems like they're posting stuff all over the place, and if you're not watching all the communities, you miss out.

Otherwise, +1.


krysaia July 31 2006, 15:02:56 UTC
Yes. The more places those communities are linked from, the better.


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