24 hour time enabled for comments on simple comment pages

Apr 02, 2006 13:25

24 hour time enabled for comments on simple comment pages

Short, concise description of the idea
Making it an option to use 24 hour time instead of 12 hour time for comments on simple comment pages.

Full description of the idea
Making it an option for users to use 24 hour time instead of 12 hour time for comments on simple comment pages. Keep this as an option so that those that are used to 12 hour time can keep the format they are used to.

For clarification, I pulled the term "simple comment pages" from the S2 customisation wizard, and it refers to comment pages that have the basic LJ comment page look, rather than a style determined by the user, perhaps the right term is system pages, but I am not sure.

If I remember correctly, free users can not have their comment pages in the same style as the main view and friends page of their journals, and must therefore use the simple comment pages.

It is also strange that the time of the post is in 24 hour format on simple comment pages, but the comments are in 12 hour format, thus the default is to use two different time formats on the same page.

This screenshot from the latest news post shows where the 12 hour time is located (07:58 am):

An ordered list of benefits
  • It would minimise confusion for those that aren't used to 12 hour time.
  • If the option is set for 24 hour time, it is in the same format as the timing of the post itself.

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • One more option for people to think about, otherwise I can't think of anything.

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Set up as an option on "Edit Personal Information" page or as an option in customisation, whichever is more appropriate.

comments, internationalization, § rejected, § duplicate

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