LJ-Cuts, and Domain Aliasing
Short, concise description of the idea
LiveJournal ought to update all links - not just some - for aliased domains.
Full description of the idea
LiveJournal allows paid users to mirror their journals for a more professional look. For instance, my journal appears at
www.revisionist-history.net. My recent entries, archive, and friends pages show up at revisionist-history.net, as do the permanent links and comment pages.
However, LJ-cuts link not to my domain but to a livejournal.com link.
An ordered list of benefits
- Although LiveJournal's main appeal is its communities of friends, in order to keep up with the competition, our journals should look as polished as possible.
- Inconsistent links are amateurish.
- Paid users deserve better.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
- Somebody will have to do some programming, but I suspect this is more an issue of finishing up the job. After all, the other links work properly.
- Other LJ-specific tags will still need to link to LiveJournal and not to the user's domain.
An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
- I am not an able programmer, so I cannot forsee the problems here. I hope implementation of this feature is as simple as the concept.