User Comment Search

Feb 01, 2012 23:28

User Comment Search

Short, concise description of the idea
The ability to search all comments by a user in a community and community post.

Full description of the ideaSimilar to /?poster=username that allows you to find all posts by a user in a community, I'd like to have the ability to find all COMMENTS by username in a community or certain ( Read more... )

community search: 1 member entries, communities, § no status

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Comments 5

scien June 7 2012, 21:19:58 UTC


just_chiara June 8 2012, 09:34:33 UTC
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
Stalking made easy?

I'm all for being able to search one's own comments in a community, but anybody's? I don't think so.


scien June 8 2012, 17:35:41 UTC
How about for mods of the community only? Like adding a filter to the Recent Comments page.


siderea August 26 2012, 22:12:32 UTC
I'd like to see this feature something the user being searched can turn on or off in their account prefs. "Allow people to search for comments by me in communities [y/n]" and default it on.

Because a lot of people wouldn't care, and indeed would prefer that others be able to do that. I'd be pleased to be able to say in a discussion in my own journal, "Oh, yeah, I wrote something about that in a comment over in $Comm but I don't remember where, exactly", and if the other person were interested, they could search it out, and I wouldn't have to go to the effort of finding it myself, when maybe they're not that interested. But, yes, if someone is having a problem and wants to deter it, they should be able to turn that feature off.

NOTE: I strongly disrecommend any feature which returns or searches all comments by a user across comms, because that reveals where a user is hanging out/active, and is a different and more problematic class of info reveal.


siderea August 26 2012, 22:12:54 UTC
This is an incredibly powerful and necessary tool for the case of "so-and-so wrote this great thing as a comment in this 29 page lj_news post, and I want to find it again." For big, high-volume comms, ctrl-f is not adequate to find a comment by a given user in a given post.


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