Track comments by user X in community C

Sep 11, 2011 11:27

Track comments by user X in community C

Short, concise description of the idea
Provide the facility to track any comment by a specified user in a specified community

Full description of the ideaIf you click on the "track this" button on a comment in a post, you get a choice of two things to track ( Read more... )

communities, notifications, community maintenance, § no status, community moderation

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Comments 11

azurelunatic September 13 2011, 04:16:44 UTC
I think it's a reasonable tool for moderators/maintainers/owners, especially because there's already the capacity to subscribe to all comments in a community for maintainers (is that available to moderators too?) and depending on one's email client, one can set up email filters to flag the notifications that involve that user and give lower priority to notifications from other users.


dougs September 13 2011, 07:52:19 UTC
I have an excellent set of filters/rules on my mail server, but it would be good not to overload either my servers or LJ's with loads of notifications which are simply going to be thrown away. And I'll bet lots of community moderators are using email systems which aren't quite as capable as mine.

(I don't have any communities for which I'm moderator-but-not-maintainer, so I can't check.) I suspect the notify-on-any-comment thing might not be available to unpaid moderators of unpaid communities -- there's an "upgrade" link on the track page.


azurelunatic September 13 2011, 08:00:04 UTC

The "this is already vaguely possible given the correct tools on the email end" was to address privacy arguments, rather than argue that the suggestion is unnecessary.


estelle October 29 2011, 03:25:08 UTC
there's already the capacity to subscribe to all comments in a community for maintainers
Can you tell me how do I set this up, please?


just_chiara September 13 2011, 08:26:52 UTC
As long as it was only available to community mods/maintainers/owners, I think it would be a useful tool. If it was made available to anyone, I would find it borderline stalking and would be against it.


scien September 13 2011, 17:48:01 UTC
I agree.


kayt_arminta September 13 2011, 17:56:58 UTC


lanthirel October 21 2011, 03:36:31 UTC
Another idea that could be really helpful to all mods that I know. We've got a similar issue with some posters in a comm that I help maintain.


ablemagawitch June 5 2012, 06:12:13 UTC
Add give users a way to opt in and/or out for preference or be made aware that a feature is enabled for this community. Then give communities the control to making the setting mandatory like logging ip addresses with comments. Open disclosure like the notice about IP addresses being logged when commenting if there is a preference over ride. Then the account user has the option to cancel or proceed. "General notification of comment tracking is enabled for owner/moderators and/or maintainers" not a warning that says their account specifically is being tracked/monitored. Otherwise it may tip off a troll that they're under suspicion or might make a paranoid person too self conscious to post. A general warning not specific to the account. To help avoid the drama of "Why me?"...

As long as the feature is left only for the community owner, moderators and/or maintainers than most privacy concerns and stalker risks will be limited.


dougs June 5 2012, 08:48:40 UTC
Indeed. See also the first comment to this entry, by azurelunatic, above -- and the ensuing thread.


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