New Phone Number!!!!!

Nov 26, 2010 16:44

Because guess who called me for a Thanksgiving date!

And Berri thought "nnnnnnno" and she said "never call again please thnx" and then she marched to Verizon and she told her the problem and they changed her phone number!


So um. If anyone here had my number/has a non-creepy reason to want it and needs it updated then say so! Thanks!

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Comments 7

arivess November 26 2010, 23:39:52 UTC
Good job, Berri!


lordsummer November 26 2010, 23:46:38 UTC
Let's hope the guy finally takes the hint. Good job!


adorkableprince November 29 2010, 00:58:00 UTC
I need it updated!

Mine is 503-341-6493 if you lost it!


sleepy_syusuke November 29 2010, 01:29:24 UTC
Hooray for customer support! =3

If you have a text messaging plan, can I have your number? 8D I like texting >.>;


sugarvoice November 30 2010, 15:04:35 UTC
Of course! My texting is unlimited!

My number is 919-451-0055.

Just lemme know who you are when you text so I can add you!! ^-^


bal_anime November 30 2010, 18:32:44 UTC
Well... I have your old number, but I probably won't need your new one since we never talk on the phone anyway... ^^; *goes to remove your old one from my phone*


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