I Challenge You . . .

Jan 23, 2007 21:40

Open Fandom Fic Challenge!

Time: night to dawn; dusk to night (author's choice as to which side of morning you want it to be set)
Weather: fog (you can choose the severity)
Mention/presence: broken/shattered glass
Mention/presence: the heel of a high heeled shoe (it's been broken off of the shoe, so just the heel. Yes, I'm recycling that object. Peyton and I are both in love with the object.)
Song Inspiration: "All Good Things (Come To An End)" - Nelly Furtado [ lyrics ]

(elaboration as to how and why this came about can be found under the cut)

I've wanted to read a fic inspired by this song, but haven't been able to find any. So now I'm issuing my flist a challenge. ::nods:: I was on the fence about the issuing of it until Peyton said that she might take the challenge if I posted it. So I'm posting it now. It's the same challenge format that we've given each other in the past. I'm just leaving the place prompt open to author's choice. The challenge is open to how many wish to take it. If you do take it, just let me know where it's posted at, yeah?

(And fandom's the author's choice as well. Thought I'd clarify that just in case. ::winks::)

"Ooooh! Porn!"

fic: challenge, quotes

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