Title: Moments Bands: DBSK&SUJU Pairing: Yunhae Rating: PG Genre: Angst Beta: jibunnohana. Thanks! <3 Summary: Just a couple of moments in Yunho's and Donghae's lives.
I really love this pairing..there's so much potential in this. And I was just thinking of the lack of YunHae fics when this one appeared! :D Loved the tension, and I think there's lots of room for a continuation *hinthint*
::giggles:: I might write more for this story or just continue with something totally different. But it's my mission to bring more Yunhae into the world. O__O
Oh, oh I love you!! I adore this pairing, so very very much, and no one ever writes it! You do not know just how happy I am to have read this. Even though its sad and painful and hurty, doomed love that they just can't escape *~* but this was lovely, it really was! There needs to be more YunHae in this world! ♥
Comments 18
This was good, thanks for sharing!
Thank *you* for reading! <3
Thanks for your lovely comment! <3
Loved the tension, and I think there's lots of room for a continuation *hinthint*
Thanks for reading and commenting! <3
I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for your comment! <3
aish. yunhae, you hurt me so. T.T
and i agree. there's not enough fics for this pair.
Thanks for reading this! <3
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