Title: Once Upon a Time...
Author: sugarmomma
Rating: G
Pairing: Spencer/Ashley
Disclaimer: Yadda-yadda
Summary: "If her life were a story she could tell, Ashley thinks, Spencer would be her happy ending."
Author Notes: Two things to note - ONE - this story was inspired by the wonderful folks over at TWOP - and especially by a comment made by
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Comments 11
And seriously, I've told you like 10 times now, but I just want to swoon when you give the image of Ashley sleeping like a starfish. It's so dream-like and lyrical in its own way. Whale songs, indeed. :)
I'm glad I could be of some help to you, even though I don't recall what I did for you. ;)
(The comment has been removed)
(It's one of those things you used to make fun of, but then got stuck as your new, totally unfunny verbal tick. There. That's my story and I'm stickin' with it.)
Please do. Write more, that is. Like, pronto?
"No, her moon wore a tiara, silver shoes, a see-through dress. Her moon would kick off her shoes and dance over the waves at night."
But all of it, really. Just beautiful, poetic and dead-on Ashley. It left me with what I would normally call a warm fuzzy feeling, but with all this talk of the ocean it's more of a cool, soothing feeling. Nonetheless, amazingly well done.
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