Title: Spinning Tales (the two person chorus mix)
sugargroupieRating: PG
Word Count: 1,251
Summary: this tale is best left to Humans and the Nebari who love them
Original Story:
There Once Were Two PeopleNotes: My contribution to the Farscape Potluck Ficathon, for
kixxa. Spoilers for season three, but AU futurefic. Many thanks to
kernezelda and
pdxscaper for their betas
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Comments 27
But uh, if such an outtake existed Shunda, I would love it if you posted.
I'm still pretty much an optimist on whether John's still alive at the end there but sometimes you just have to give in to the story - even when you don't want to. So, I know I'm just fooling myself.
This para is just so spot on in characterisation. It's not over long and doesn't waste a word and is just one example of many. "It must've ended happily, Chiana had later mused to herself, because Aeryn strolled around Moya with her seldom seen well-frelled strut, and Crichton had to bite his lip to keep from smiling."
Thanks for writing such a lovely fic for me, and also to delving into the back catalogue and finishing some unfinished business.
I'm stoked!
I also believe there's a chance John is still alive. I also think the guards are not going to give Chiana an honest answer, and despite her seeming breakdown she won't believe it unless she sees it for herself.
But dammit... I want them safe! And together and for John to tell her the rest of the story.
*goes to read again*
Chiana is better off than John right now, but Crichton's a fighter. I don't see him giving him when he has breath in his body. ;)
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