An Assignment (fic)

May 30, 2010 23:49

Title: An Assignment
Fandom: Fringe
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Peter/Alt!livia
Word Count: 346
Spoilers: "Over There" Part 2.
Summary: Post-S2 finale. Her orders had been simple.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the fabulous show of Fringe. No infringement intended.
A/N: Inspired by a prompt at ineffort's post-finale free-for-all fic meme. It's real short.

An Assignment )

my fanfiction, alt!livia, fringe, peter/alt!livia

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Comments 22

lule_bell May 31 2010, 07:26:38 UTC
Awe this is so beautiful. You're keeping me sane during hiatus. Your fic is real and raw and emotional and so in character that it hurts. Well done.


sugangel7 May 31 2010, 18:11:08 UTC
Oh, thank you! Writing is keeping me sane during the hiatus, so I'm glad to share it and it's nice to hear that it's doing that for you as well!


marinw May 31 2010, 12:00:55 UTC
Awe. Of COURSE Walternate will want someone to keep an eye on Peter. bring him back to hos own world once again. Poor Peter, caught in an endless tug-of-war.

I'm starting to compare Peter to the child of two divorced parents fighting over custody/


sugangel7 May 31 2010, 18:12:04 UTC
Hah, yes, it doesn't help when those two parents are from other universes entirely. :)

Love your icon by the way.


marinw May 31 2010, 18:20:35 UTC
That icon is by atomiczgraphics


janus_74 May 31 2010, 14:48:52 UTC
Awesome :)


sugangel7 May 31 2010, 18:13:15 UTC
Thanks, Tania! And you gotta watch the rest of Fringe over the summer. ;)


janus_74 May 31 2010, 18:20:56 UTC
I'd like to see the mythology ones for sure :)


sugangel7 May 31 2010, 18:58:15 UTC
Fox came out with this 10 Things You Need to Know About Fringe video that's really helpful. And I'd recommend mythology-wise from S1: Ability (114), Bad Dreams (117), The Road Not Taken (119), There Is More Than One of Everything (120) and from S2: A New Day in the Old Town (201), Momentum Deferred (204), Grey Matters (210), Jacksonville (215), Peter (216), The Man from the Other Side (219), and of course both parts of the finale which you said you'd watched.

August (208) is worth a watch because it has a mythology slant and focuses on the Observers but isn't quite as crucial (yet) in regards to the current storyline. but it's just one of my favorites.

And hah, yeah, so there you go. ;)


pintsizeninja May 31 2010, 15:20:00 UTC
Love it! Absolutely love it. I haven't had a chance to read the other fic you posted, but you've got a real knack for this and I dearly hope you continue to write well into the hiatus. :) I think this situation is totally plausible and you've written alt!livia really well.

Also? This makes me hurt for Peter, so much. I'm just trying to imagine how he'd feel when he finds out that this isn't his Olivia.


sugangel7 May 31 2010, 18:16:50 UTC
Hah, thanks, I'm glad to hear you think I've written Alt!livia well. We've only seen a little bit of her and I'm really curious to see how the writers flesh out her character in S3.

And I'd like to think that Peter would find out way sooner than I've had him do here, but it was still interesting to explore the possibility. But yeah, I have a feeling he'll be absolutely devastated when he finds out that he -- unknowingly or not -- left behind the woman who crossed universes for him. :(

Anyhoo, thanks again. I hope to write more because this hiatus is going to be excruciatingly painful without some fanfic.


musing_11 May 31 2010, 18:15:07 UTC
this is lovely! great character voice.

but i really hope nothing like this actually happens on the show ;)


sugangel7 May 31 2010, 18:18:59 UTC
Hah, don't worry, I hope this doesn't happen on the show either! In fact, I'd told myself that the idea of Peter/Alt!livia made me want to throw up but then I ended up writing this.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad this sounded like her to you.


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