Title: So You Want to Be a Time Traveller: A Brief Introductory Guide for the Time Lord's Companion
(Who fanfic)
Author: Sue DeNimme
Characters/Pairing: Ten
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: The Doctor lays it out for a (hypothetical) new companion.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its characters are the property of the BBC. No copyrights were harmed in the making of this fanfic.
Congratulations! By showing yourself to be inquisitive, brave, energetic, resourceful, and open-minded, not to mention probably saving my life within hours of meeting me, you have earned the unique privilege of being invited to become my newest companion.
If you accept, the first thing you will probably notice is that my TARDIS (the name of my space/time travel machine, standing for Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. On entering it, you may be tempted to inform me of this fact. Rest assured that I am already aware of it, thank you very much. If you wish me to explain the technology by which this is possible, I will do so, but be warned that it may give you a headache. It looks like an early 1960's Earth police box because that is the shape it took when it first landed in that time and place, and it has been stuck that way ever since. This is actually a fault of which I am rather fond, and I have no plans to try to fix it at this time.
In the interest of disclosure, here are some basic facts about me. I am a Time Lord. I am over 900 years old. I am the only Time Lord left, as my home planet and my species have been destroyed in a war. I have two hearts, a respiratory bypass system, and some senses and abilities that are most likely beyond yours. When mortally injured, I can regenerate into a new physical appearance, with different personality traits, but I will still be the Doctor. (If this should happen while you are travelling with me, don't freak out. Just be patient, and give me tea.) If you wish to know more, you may ask, but please don't hound me for my life story. A lot of it contains things you are far better off not knowing.
I should tell you that you are not the first to enjoy the position of my companion. I have been travelling through time and space for centuries now, righting wrongs and saving civilizations. This is an exciting and fulfilling avocation, but it can get to be a lonely one, so naturally from time to time, yes, I have invited others along for the ride. It would be a waste of mental energy, not to mention extremely silly, to become jealous over this. I assure you that the fact that there have been others does not make you any less special or worthy in my eyes. Think of it as joining a sort of elite society.
You should also be aware that I have made many enemies as well as friends over the centuries, and associating with me can be a very risky proposition. My enemies tend to be ruthless and powerful, sometimes with many abilities and followers of their own. However, I do not exaggerate when I say that I am a rather dangerous enemy to have, in my own right, and I have survived this long because I have defeated them many times.
During the course of your travels with me, you will see many beautiful sights, meet many fascinating people, and visit many places and time periods, past and future, all over the universe. There is virtually no limit to where or when we can go. If there is any particular era, place, or event you would like to experience, you have only to ask me, and I will be more than happy to do my best to accommodate. Likewise, if I happen to think of a place, time, or sight that I think you would enjoy, I will not hesitate to suggest it, and if you agree, we will be there before you can say "via the Void". Well, a little longer than that. Well, eventually.
If we should be forced to make a detour along the way, however, because some intergalactic maniac has decided to take over the universe, or a society needs liberating from a brutal regime, or a misguided scientist wishes to defy the laws of nature and ends up creating a race of monsters, or there's a kitten stuck up a tree, or whatever, above all, remember this: it is not my fault. Something is always going on somewhere, and sometimes we will walk right into whatever is going on and have to resolve the situation. After we have done so, we can then be on our way to our original intended destination.
Sometimes even when we do get to our destination, there will be stuff happening there that I, or we, will have to correct before we can enjoy ourselves properly. It will save you much aggravation if you simply accept it and aid me in dealing with whatever needs to be dealt with. I promise I will make it up to you in due course.
In exchange for the rare opportunities for fun and enlightenment you will get to enjoy while in my company, I ask only a few things of you.
While you are travelling with me, your safety is among my highest priorities, but time travel can be a dangerous and unpredictable life. Prepare yourself for the fact that you may at various points end up covered in slime, possessed, hypnotized, held hostage, or otherwise inconvenienced. Don't worry. I have been rescuing people for centuries, and only two of my companions have died during their travels, which is an excellent track record, really.
You need not be a star athlete, but it is advisable to keep yourself physically fit, so that you do not tire quickly. You may, from time to time, have to run for your life or have to climb, jump, or swim in order to evade pursuers.
You need not be a genius, but you may sometimes have to come up with solutions to problems on your own, if, for example, we have been separated, or I am incapacitated in some way. Follow your instincts and don't second-guess yourself. I have never yet invited anyone to be my companion who wasn't brilliant in some fashion. Well, maybe one or two, but not you, I'm confident.
Do not hesitate to ask me questions, even if you think they sound stupid. If I seem irritated by your questions, don't let it stop you. Often, answering those questions helps me to think out the problem and brainstorm new ideas. Asking me questions is perhaps the most valuable aid you can give me.
Wear practical clothing and shoes. The TARDIS wardrobe is at your disposal. You may comment on the fact that I always dress in the same basic manner, which changes only when I regenerate, despite the fact that the TARDIS wardrobe is also at my disposal, but please do not belabor the point. I get it. I dress the way I do because I like it.
When I say, "Run", don't stop to ask why. Just do it.
At times we may find ourselves imprisoned with no immediate means of escape. Relax. Getting all shirty about it with me is not going to get you to the paradise planet any faster. I'll get us out as soon as I can.
You may, at times, dislike aspects of a time period that we visit, or wish to prevent an established historical disaster. I understand the temptation, and I have felt it many times myself, but believe me when I say it is imperative that we not interfere. The simplest way I can put it is that some bad things have to happen in order for good things to happen later. When I do intervene, it is to prevent the flow of the timelines from being disrupted. If you cannot handle the burden of this responsibility, time travel is not for you.
You will most likely become quite emotionally attached to me during the course of your travels, perhaps for reasons beyond the fact that I take you where/whenever you want to go and am always rescuing you. This is only natural, and I will most likely come to feel much the same way about you. Which is all very well, but there are pitfalls to this. The main one is the fact that I am an alien to you. At times I will probably seem eccentric or even crazy. It is perfectly all right to point this out, but bear in mind that I am from a different planet and a different culture, and you may not always understand my feelings or reactions, nor I yours. Please don't be too frustrated or blame me for being who I am. Our differences will be what keeps this friendship interesting.
And by the way, friendship is all I'm looking for. Do NOT fall in love with me! I understand, it may be difficult to resist doing so, considering how attractive and charming I am, especially in the incarnation in which I am writing this guide. But really, just don't. Even if I seem to be flirting up a storm with you. That's just one of the quirks of this incarnation in particular. Take it in stride and keep any feelings you have for me purely platonic. You'll be happier in the long run, trust me.
Oh, and if by some chance I should fall in love with you, it's probably best if you leave as soon as you perceive any signs of it, no matter how much I may want you to stay. I mean it. I have been down that road before with a companion, and suffice it to say it did not end well.
And please, please, please don't say you're going to stay with me forever. Twice, fairly recently, a companion has said that, and both times, soon afterward, they were gone. Not dead, but not with me anymore either, and permanently so. Don't ask.
If you keep all this in mind, I believe we will have a long and rewarding and innocently amiable association, but when you do choose to leave me and go back to your normal life, or start a new one, you can expect a fond farewell and probably a hug or two, but don't expect visits. I don't visit former companions, as a rule. It's too distressing to see them age. I'd much rather remember them as they were when they were with me. I trust you will understand this from my point of view and not waste your life waiting for me to return.
I hope I have made everything clear to you. If you have any questions or concerns that I have not covered in this little guide, please feel free to bring them to my attention.
Welcome aboard. Allons-y!