Title: Ten Goodbyes and One Hello (2/11)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Brigadier, The Third Doctor
Rating: PG
Summary: All of the current incarnations come to say their farewells to a dear friend in their own way.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.
Dedicated to Nicholas Courtney (1929-2011)
Chapter 1: Two's Goodbye ********************
“The TARDIS brought me home,” the Doctor said to Sarah Jane. Then, his strength finally left him as the radiation from the Metebelis Crystal continued to absorb into his bloodstream. He fell towards the ground, and the world went a bit fuzzy. He was vaguely aware of the Brigadier placing a cushion beneath his head. The Doctor had meant to say thank you... He had meant to say a lot of things, really.
When the Doctor had finally been given his freedom, he momentarily toyed with the idea of popping into the future and finding the Brigadier- to prove to that insufferable ass that the TARDIS could, in fact, function properly and that it wasn't a huge waste of time and energy. But then he instantly felt guilty. When the Time Lords had stranded him and he had nowhere else to go, the Brigadier had provided him with a home, equipment, and access to a seemingly infinite amount of additional resources. The two of them may have had their differences, to be sure, but the Brigadier always did what he thought was right. And, most importantly, he never expected to be praised for it. The Doctor respected him for that.
He owed so much to the Brigadier, so when the Doctor lay close to death, he was glad that the man was by his side. The Doctor didn't address him; somehow, it would have seemed unfitting, not enough, to attempt any sort of final goodbye. They, who had seen so much, who had fought the forces of evil and destruction, who had understood each other better than either had thought possible, could not sum up their feelings through a few token words. No, to force their true thoughts about each other into the physical realm would be to lose some of the meaning behind them. He just hoped that the Brigadier understood, knew that he would.