Title: Who Else?
Fandom: Doctor Who
Ratings: PG
Spoilers: s06e11: The God Complex
Characters: The Doctor
Summary: What does the Doctor see when he opens his door? Every chapter will contain a different possibility.
Disclaimer: I own neither Doctor Who nor any of its characters.
1. The Doctor2. The Master3. Adric The plaque read “11” and he could see his distorted reflection in the brass. He grabbed the knob and twisted, peering inside to find out what awaited him. “Of course,” he said, a sad smile forming on his face. “Who else?”
The Doctor will readily admit that he misses Gallifrey: his original home, his culture, and his family. He doesn’t miss, however, the Time Lords. Well, he misses them in general, as a concept: a mighty civilization with so much potential. The thing is, though, that they chose to squander said potential. The Doctor himself was considered a renegade in their eyes, which always caused a bit of animosity. That’s why, when the planet was still around, he rarely ever visited, even going so far as to actively avoid the Time Lords as much as he was able. But now that they’re gone, he realizes that most of them weren’t so bad. Some of them he even thought of as friends.
He wonders why she’s so silent as she glares at him now? She was always quite vocal in her opinion of him. “Disappointing,” he could almost imagine her saying, slowly shaking her head. He sees her as he first saw her, proud and rigid and naïve. A part of him wishes he could see her in her next regeneration- the face she borrowed from Princess Astra- believing that maybe she would have understood his decision. But her younger self, the one that barely knew him, judges him now like the rest of them did.
And perhaps, just perhaps, he is truly as guilty as they’ve always accused him of being? Look at what he has become: the Oncoming Storm. Even his friends are unprotected from the tidal wave of destruction that always seems to follow him. Even Romana, who would have been superb.
But the doubt did not overpower him; if it had that ability, he would have succumbed to it long ago. No, he knew this was not his time. Carefully, he closed the door again, placing a “Do not disturb” sign over the knob, and continued on his way.