Title: Patience Was Never His Strong Suit
Fandom: Sherlock/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Assumes knowledge of the most current seasons of both shows.
Sherlock Characters: Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Lestrade, and the Yarders
Doctor Who Characters: Ian/Barbara, Eleven, Amy/Rory
Summary: “As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.”
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Comments 4
::calms down:: I hope it's not the end? I hope there's more. And bless you for bringing Lestrade and Donovan and even Anderson in. Loved watching them get flustered by the Doctor. More please?
And it was a good chapter, especially if you don't know much about the First Doctor. I love Eleven's explanation of how he was then and how Sherlock's parents got him to change. Now I'm actually kind of wanting to check those adventures out.
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