002 ounces of blood [audio]

Jun 06, 2010 22:08

[The audio cuts in during the midst of a scuffle with little in the way of voices. There is a thump, maybe the kick of a limb against some wall or ground, but that grows increasingly faint the longer that the audio continues. One sound remains consistent: It is not far from wet suction and swallowing, as one might hear as related to drinking.

Or feeding, perhaps?

Then it ceases and an unnecessary breath is taken, shadowed by a very loud thump consistent with somebody hitting the ground. The first words are Swedish, spoken with the ease of a native speaker.]

An interesting flavour.

[The curiosity in Eric's tone fades with his use of Swedish and he kicks the body gently -- left alive and breathing, if temporarily incapacitated. The feeding, however, has made him an unseen mess of blood, with marks that indicated her attempts to fight back already fading from his skin.

With the initial rush worn off, he clears his throat loudly.]

Perhaps you people will now understand exactly what it means to disrespect a vampire and what happens to those who do us wrong.

[Eric has fed on Vie for her curiosities, with less of a taste than her curiosity may have desired. This makes him sated and smug, chuckling as the audible boot steps tell that he is walking away from her.]

Clean-up on deck seventeen.

((ooc; with Xhan's permission, Vie has become Eric's first snack! he left her alive and quickly vacated the 'crime scene' for his quarters. she was not quite a teacup human, but delicious nonetheless.))

#godric, omnom humans, #erol, 1000 years of assholery, !audio, interesting aftertaste, #tachikoma musashi, #sanya, vampires: not family-friendly, #lilith, #marco, !ic, #roll

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