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Comments 21

mad_teagirl June 17 2010, 22:26:32 UTC





suchaprince June 18 2010, 06:11:16 UTC
Yay I'm glad it makes you happy! I was like "I'll make her a Sam fanmix!" after the finale, and then obviously it ended up being a depressing mix and I was like "Oh no! This is not a HAPPY birthday present." So I decided I wanted to make you something different. But I still really liked the mix and I had worked ages on it so I still wanted to give it to you.

I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to listen to it!

I spent so long figuring out photoshop so I could make something lovely like you make for the cover art. I was so pleased with the results! I've no idea how I achieved them cause I was just like "Push... button... does... thing..." but yeah. I tried to make everything all western-y because we had just been discussing Supernatural and how western-y it is. I was especially pleased with the back.


mad_teagirl June 18 2010, 07:50:16 UTC
Oh Darlin' you know that I am pleased as punch with depressing things! Besides! IT'S MY BOO!!!!!

I'm totally synching my IPOD up so I can have the new mixes in rotation when I am driving to Disneyland tomorrow!!!!!

It looks TOTALLY western!!! The font you used and the color scheme looks like an old wanted poster!


suchaprince June 19 2010, 20:32:57 UTC
Yay good, I was you hoping would be happy about it even though it was depressing! I just had to make you a Sam mix. It was the first idea I had, for obvious reasons.

Yay! Once you get a chance to listen to all three mixes, you should tell me what you think because I always like to know these things. I know you already have a lot of the songs on all of these mixes, but still, what you think in this context. Or something. I'm pretty sure there are a couple on here you don't have, like the Bonnie 'Prince" Billy song (which actually sounds like the BGM on Supernatural, at least to me...) and maybe the J. Tillman and the Michael Giacchino.

Yay!! That's totally the look I was going for. <3


justmmy June 18 2010, 07:46:23 UTC
I am SO happy to see Devil in the Details listed there. OMG, I've been listening to that song on repeat for a while and kept thinking, as cliche as it may seem, this song was meant for Sam. Awesome kudos to you. :)


suchaprince June 19 2010, 20:36:07 UTC
Hehe, thanks so much! :D


coyotesuspect June 18 2010, 07:54:41 UTC
This is fantastic. I love that you've used caps to illustrate each song, and the cover art is gorgeous. The lyrics are spot on.



suchaprince June 19 2010, 20:40:49 UTC
Aww thank you so much! I've used screencaps to represent each song on a couple mixes now, and I'm always happier with the result than if I try to write something for each song. I'm glad you like it!

And yay Cold War Kids love!!


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suchaprince June 19 2010, 20:42:28 UTC
Yay for Patrick, Placebo, & Sufjan love! <3

Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy the mix!


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suchaprince June 20 2010, 08:03:33 UTC
Awww thank you so much! Hehe, I'm so pleased. Download away, download away! I hope you enjoy this and any other mixes you end up downloading.

(Also, your icon is amazing!)


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suchaprince June 22 2010, 02:54:41 UTC
Awww that makes me so happy! Thank you for your awesome-ness and excellent taste, hehe! ;)

Peter Davidson was such a fabulous doctor! I really adore five.


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