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Comments 18

soliandxpyne January 6 2012, 01:25:19 UTC
Oh, you always put together such great mixes. <3 Thanks so much for sharing this!


suchaprince January 6 2012, 07:06:43 UTC
Awww oh goodness, thank you so much! <3


shinkonokokoro January 24 2012, 07:09:19 UTC
This looks great! Thanks a lot!


suchaprince January 29 2012, 07:41:41 UTC
Thanks! I hope you enjoy the mix. :)


twisted_twined January 27 2012, 04:19:53 UTC
This is lovely! I am totally snagging and wanted to thank you for the introduction to such moving music


suchaprince January 29 2012, 07:42:24 UTC
Thank you so much! And you are so very welcome! I'm so glad you liked the mix.


grey_spider September 9 2012, 18:29:44 UTC
This might be my favorite fanmix of all time. You're a wizard or something, aren't you? I read the fics because of the mix since the lyrics you posted made me really curious... and then the actual fics and the mixes were so much better than I'd have ever guessed; they complement each other perfectly, too.

Disk One has really pleasant, subtle nature sounds, and that cover of I'll Believe In Anything has such an open-air sound to it. Gah.

Disk Two is melancholy and magical and that version of Into Dust makes me cry so much. T___T

..and then Disk Three is my favorite, and they're songs with rich background instrumentation and heartrendingly pure vocals and melodies. ...and they all reflect the concepts from the fic.. like Safe and Sound has that half mechanical/half alive ticking effect in it. I swear I hear the faintest whirring sound in most of the music you found that matched.

And of course the lyrics are all perfect! ARGH. So good. ;__; <3


suchaprince September 18 2012, 08:42:18 UTC
Oh goodness, I'm totally blushing right now, haha! Seriously, I'm beaming. This mix houses many songs that I love so much they make my heart hurt, so I'm so very glad to hear all you had to say about them. <3

I'm so happy that the mix inspired you to read the fics because ciaranbochna is just an incredible writer, and I really recommend anything and everything she's done. She wrote this beautiful original piece a while back and I often find myself thinking about it. Her writing is just so lovely.


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