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Comments 39

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suchaprince April 19 2011, 09:16:51 UTC
Aww I'm so happy you like it!

It was such a joy to make! I totally marathoned his three series for inspiration while I was working. I loved that I got to use this mix as an excuse to spend hours with the Fifth Doctor. :D

You're so very welcome! I really hope you enjoy it once you get to listen. <3


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suchaprince April 23 2011, 08:53:56 UTC
Aww I'm so glad it could make your horrible day better! I'm really, really happy you like it. <3

Hooray for that! So much Who! One day I will finally finishing filling the holes in my Doctor Who watching, one day...

Peter Davison is ever so lovely. :D


caffienekitty April 19 2011, 05:09:32 UTC
*waves hello* I would be the aforementioned other person. This is fantastic, and I love your quote selections too!


Ahaha icon! suchaprince April 19 2011, 09:18:59 UTC
Yay other person! I'm so glad you liked the mix! I had so much fun picking out the quotes for each track. :D


mad_teagirl April 19 2011, 08:43:54 UTC
I told you this when you previewed it for me on the drive but this is lovely.

Oh Five, you charming devil.


Aww Seven & Ace! suchaprince April 19 2011, 09:26:56 UTC
Aww yay I'm still so glad you liked it! My most favorite roadtrip buddy fanmix feedbacker. Which is totally a real job. Which we invented. And pays us a lot of money.

A charming devil indeed!


they're the cutest thing since Martin Freeman mad_teagirl April 19 2011, 10:15:46 UTC
Of course I like it! So many bands I love and Peter Davidson! So lovely!

Do you have more than one roadtrip buddy fanmix feedbacker? If so, I may have to hunt them down.

Of course it's a real profession! Much like our crime fighting one.


Re: they're the cutest thing since Martin Freeman anjamarie April 20 2011, 20:14:47 UTC
*ahem ahem* Sometimes, in your absence, I have been known to adopt the role of "roadtrip buddy fanmix feedbacker" but I would never usurp your title!


akashasheiress April 19 2011, 21:55:38 UTC
Snagging, thanks!


suchaprince April 20 2011, 20:58:07 UTC
Welcome! Hope you enjoy it!


anjamarie April 20 2011, 20:15:33 UTC
You are AMAZING! I loved my sneak preview, and now I will snag for realsies!


suchaprince April 20 2011, 20:57:40 UTC
Aww yay! <3 <3 <3

(My series five fanmix is here if you want to get that now as well, since I told you you had to wait until you finished watching the series and now you have! and so will no longer be spoiled! <3)


anjamarie April 21 2011, 17:36:50 UTC
Today is the day of fanmixes! Listening to "The Cursed and Blessed Open Road" now. Sooooo lovely...


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