Skillet on the Stove, part 2/?

Jun 02, 2007 11:02

Title: Skillet on the Stove
Chapter: Two
Authors: lvlysnidrus and pez_gurl
Fandom: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13 this part. Overall NC-17
Summary: Jared is the son of the President of the United States, and Jensen is a member of the Secret Service. After several threats on the First Family, Jensen is assigned to protect a disgruntled Jared.
Warnings: Crude humor, spoonfighting, language, almost-sex
A/N: Yay for the second part! Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful praise! Also, since a lot of you were curious about this, Jared is 17 and Jensen is 21, which is the youngest a member of the SS can be. So, yes, that means there will be barely-underage sex in here. If that's not your thing, then stop reading now.

Jared awoke the next morning with a single purpose in mind - to annoy the living daylights out of Agent Ackles.

So the first thing he did was dial his beeper number, not even bothering to get out of bed and throw on some underwear.

Jensen jolted awake to the sound of his beeper, throwing on a pair of boxers and rushing into Jared's room, eyes wide. "What is it?" he asked breathlessly.

Jared was sitting up in bed, tilting his head and biting his pinky nail, as he looked the agent up and down. "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see just how dedicated you were to the job."

Jensen sputtered a little as he took in Jared's appearance, then his own. "" He reigned in his temper and sighed. "Next time, put some fucking clothes on," he snapped before stomping out of the room, his dick hard again. He hadn't even had a chance to wipe the come from last night off his stomach. He hoped Jared hadn't noticed.

Jared watched him leave with sparkling eyes, and then he laid back, giggling. Gosh, this was fun. He should've gotten a bodyguard ages ago.

Jensen barely stopped himself from slamming his door shut, leaning against it and resisting the urge to punch something. He wasn't going to jerk off again either. With a sigh, he pushed off the door and decided to take a really cold shower.

If that didn't work...well, he'd deal with it.

Jared jerked off quickly then got up and got dressed. He wondered if he needed to page his babysitter to go to the kitchen for breakfast, then he decided it wasn't worth the trouble and walked down to the kitchen himself.

Jensen walked out of his room a few minutes later, only to find Jared gone. He sighed heavily, cursed the damn kid under his breath, then headed down to the kitchen. After all, it was 7 AM on a Saturday morning. Where else would he be?

Sure enough, Jared was there, already nagging the cook for food. Jensen snuck up behind him silently and tapped his shoulder.

Jared jumped and brandished a wooden spoon at him. "Who goes there?" he demanded, glaring at the agent.

Jensen raised an eyebrow, yanking the spoon out of his hand. "You left without telling me," he growled, shaking the spoon in Jared's face. "You aren't allowed to do that, Padalecki."

Jared grabbed another spoon, brandishing that one. "Avast! Ye'll never get me treasure! Arrrh!"

Jensen stared at him for a moment, blinking slowly. "You are such a dork," he finally said, knocking Jared's spoon away with his own. "More like a five year old than a seventeen year old."

"Dude, you must be way older than you look if you can't even have a spoonfight." Jared shook his head and went to the refrigerator.

"You wanna fight?" Jensen asked, picking the spoon up and throwing it at his head. "Then let's go. I'll take you down, boy."

Jared turned to look at him with wide eyes, then he grinned widely and grabbed the spoon. "Good luck, old man!"

"Dude, I'm barely four years older than you," Jensen replied, brandishing his spoon as if it were a sword. "Now come get me."

"Old is old, no matter how pretty it is." Jared smirked then attacked, waving the spoon wildly.

Jensen was a little thrown by that comment, but managed to pull himself together in time to fend off Jared's attack, their spoons clashing loudly in the otherwise silent kitchen.

Jared fought valiantly, throwing in random "engarde"s and "touche"s whenever the mood struck him.

Jensen had to fight not to burst out laughing, grinning manically. Finally, he managed to knock Jared's spoon out of his hand again and grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm behind him gently - careful not to hurt him - and pushing him against the wall. He pressed against his back and leaned forward until his lips brushed Jared's ear. "I win," he whispered hotly.

"That's a matter of opinion," Jared murmured, pressing back against him. God, if the very solid line of the agent against him didn't feel amazing, Jared had no idea what did.

Jensen inhaled shakily, pressing forward again before pulling away quickly, swallowing hard. "I guess," he said, running a hand through his hair.

Jared tried not to feel too disappointed. "So, dude, there any way I can call you somethin' besides Agent Ackles? It's a real party pooper, if you get my drift."

Jensen sighed, grabbing a stool and perching on it, leaning back against the island and watching him. "I guess you could call me Jensen. But only when we're not around your father or other SS agents, okay? 'Cause they wouldn't find it all that professional."

Jared nodded a little, looking him over. "And d'you think you could dress normally if and when we're in public?"

Jensen smirked a little. "I was planning on it," he said. He grabbed an apple from the bowl on the island and bit into it with a loud crunch, closing his eyes at the sharp taste. "Mmm," he sighed.

Jared nodded, staring at his mouth for a second before looking away. "And none of this...Mr. Padalecki business. You're not my teacher and I'm not my father."

Jensen caught that and smirked. "All right then," he murmured. "Jared it is." He took another bite of his apple, grinning around it.

Jared nodded, rather surprised that he'd gotten his way so easily. "All right, then."

Jensen grinned wider, finishing off his apple quickly before tossing the core in the trash. "So, you actually gonna eat today?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

"I ate a little before you came down. I wanna go to IHOP, though." Jared grinned.

Jensen sighed. "Of course," he said, rolling his eyes and standing up. "Lemme change and let someone know, then we can go."

Jared raised an eyebrow. "What d'you have against IHOP?"

"Nothing," Jensen said. "But I've seen you eat before, man, and I know that we're going to be there for hours."

"Where else d'you have to be?" Jared asked.

"No where, obviously," Jensen pointed out. "But that doesn't mean I wanna spend all my time at IHOP either, watching you pig out."

Jared batted his eyelashes. "I'll buy you some pancakes..."

Sometimes, Jensen wondered what crimes he committed in a previous life to deserve shit like this. "Damn well better," he muttered, then turned around and stomped out the kitchen. He stopped to look at Jared over his shoulder. "You're comin' with me, by the way. I'm not leavin' you in here on your own."

Jared pouted. "But then I can't ruin the Alfredo sauce for dinner tonight..."

"Good," Jensen replied. "I like Alfredo. Now get your ass moving, Jared."

Jared walked after him. "I bet you'd like it better after what I'd do to it..."

Jensen stopped, then turned around to stare at him. "You're some kinda fucked in the head, aren't you?"

Jared shrugged. "When you're not allowed to go anywhere beyond the front door, you've gotta make your own entertainment."

Jensen nodded, even though he really didn't get it. Well, he did, but Jared's type of entertainment was still all kinds of weird. "Whatever," he said, then continued to walk. He made it to his room and opened the door, biting his lip as he looked at Jared.

"You wanna, uh...come in, or are you just going to wait in your room?"

Jared grinned widely. "Can I?" He didn't wait for an answer as he pushed past him and looked around at the nearly empty room. "Woah, stark. Don't you have a personality?"

Jensen sighed as he followed him in. "I haven't exactly had a chance to move in yet," he said. "All I got are my clothes and whatever." He shrugged as he walked over to his dresser, searching for a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Jared flopped down on Jensen's bed, watching the man. He really was hot. Possibly even hotter than he realised. Jared's eyes lingered on Jensen's ass inside those ridiculously boring pants, and resolved that eventually he'd see that ass for himself.

Jensen felt Jared's eyes on him - how could he not, the kid's eyes were burning into him like...something really hot - and he wondered about heading into the bathroom to change. But he decided that'd just make him seem like a big pussy. So he turned around, gave Jared a small smirk, then started to take off his clothes.

Jared's eyes widened just a little, then he smirked and leaned back on his elbows, watching him with hooded eyes.

Jensen kept his eyes on Jared's face for as long as he could without his body responding to that look. He finally looked away as he pulled on the jeans, trying to be graceful about it. He managed not to fall on his face and he straightened up to pull on his shirt.

Jared felt a bit disappointed - the last time he'd given someone that look, he'd been ridden so hard that he was afraid it'd fall off - but he settled for looking Jensen over. "I guess it'll do..."

Jensen smirked again, his self control reigned in tightly - he wasn't an SS agent for nothing, not to mention the youngest one currently in employment - and brushed imaginary lint of his shoulder. "You guess?" he said, mock incredulity coloring his tone.

Jared nodded, getting up and walking toward him slowly. "I look like a sort-of normal person..."

Jensen crossed his arms over his chest - definitely not defensively, he wasn't afraid of some seventeen year old brat - and his smirk widened. "Good enough for me."

Jared kept walking toward him, and eventually was practically pinning him against the dresser. "Really? How old are you, man? 'cause that getup makes you look about thirty..."

Jensen took a deep breath, fighting to keep the smirk on his face. "21, man, you know that." He sighed, the movement making their chest brush. "Why, you think you can do better?"

"I'd be willing to bet on it," Jared said softly, moving even closer.

Jensen's breathing was coming a little faster now, his hold on his control rapidly fraying. "Jared," he said warningly, tongue darting out to lick his suddenly dry lips. He couldn't bring himself to push Jared away. God, he was fucked.

Jared tilted his head, watching Jensen's tongue. "Yeah?" he asked softly.

"I can't--" Jensen started, then became distracted looking into Jared's eyes. God, it was like Jared was begging Jensen to fuck him, just with those goddamn eyes.

"You can't what?" Huh. Jensen's eyes were green. Jared bit his lip.

Jensen's eyes traveled to Jared's mouth, staring at his clean white teeth against his perfect pink lips. Jesus.

He tore his eyes away and pushed at Jared's shoulders, sliding away from him. "We can't," he said sternly, taking another deep breath.

Jared stared. He'd never been denied before, not when he was so fucking sure. "Why not?" he demanded.

Jensen looked at him incredulously. "Don't you ever think?" he asked harshly. "Jesus, Jared, not only are you underage, but you're the president's son! Who also happens to be my boss."

"Like I'd tell!" Jared shook his head. "Whatever. I'm not hungry anymore." He stormed out and into his room, locking the door.

Jensen sighed heavily, sitting down on his bed with his head in his hands. He should've pushed Jared away sooner. He should've played innocent, should've never shown any interest in the kid whatsoever.

And now this job was going to be ten times worse than he'd first thought.

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