True love is for fairytales and bella swan

Jul 04, 2010 00:35

| True love is for fairytails and bella swan | nc-17 | super junior | kyuhyun/donghae | 2210w |

note: written for kpop_olymfics, team canon, prompted by ss501's "love like this"

The story goes like this:

Kyuhyun is completely inebriated and so is Donghae and they have a drunken one night stand that expands to a few more nights than either of them will ever expect, all the while having increasingly embarrassing post-coital conversations because they’re men and men aren’t good at talking after sex, according to Kyuhyun.

And a sequel would probably look like this:

An indeterminate time down the road, Donghae will just laugh at Kyuhyun and tell him it was fate, and Kyuhyun will scoff at him for believing in girly nonsense like that. Donghae will be mock serious and say, “no, really, it’s true love; I knew it from the moment I laid eyes you,” and Kyuhyun will pretend to be nauseated and go back to playing Pokemon on his DS. It’ll end with Donghae sending him obnoxious bubbly hearts via Pictochat until Kyuhyun relents to a one-on-one duel, Tetris style.

So what’s there left to find out?

Kyuhyun would say that it’s all the ways Donghae shows himself to be a heartless asshole. Donghae would say it’s a collection of prime evidence that proves Kyuhyun is an emotionally stunted stump. They would argue, maybe, depending on the weather or the time of day, but they would both agree that it’s not a love story. At least, not one that lends itself well to a love song, because this sort of insanity just wouldn’t sell well.



“You gonna fuck me, or are you just here to breathe my air?” Kyuhyun asks none too patiently, quirking an irate eyebrow at Donghae.

“What an odd thing to say, considering you’re the one bent over with your pants down.”

“If you don’t hurry up, my pants might find their way back on, and I’ll go find someone who can-”

“Oh come on, like you could manage that without falling over.” Donghae mutters against his ear, and Kyuhyun can smell the alcohol on his breath. They had split a bottle of Maotai between the two of them earlier, freshly pilfered from Hankyung’s personal stash, and had somehow, between the sixth round of shots and a hasty trip to the bathroom, wound up in the same stall, stripping each other off with busy hands.

“I don’t normally make a habit of offering my ass to fellow colleagues,” Kyuhyun slurs around a mouthful of Donghae’s fingers, “so you’d better treasure this experience.”

Donghae laughs and pulls his fingers out, using them to trailing a wet path down Kyuhyun’s spine. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He says, and pushes two fingers into Kyuhyun’s ass.

It’s rushed and rough and Kyuhyun’s too marveled by both their abilities to keep an erection (and liver failure at bay) to pay attention to technique. But from what he has gathered, there’s not much of that anyways, and it’s every man for himself. Curling a hand around his cock, Kyuhyun pumps to the rhythm of Donghae’s thrusts, wincing on occasion when Donghae gets a little too enthusiastic.

“You’re a horrible lay.” Kyuhyun tells him later, zipping up on his way to the sink.

“Thanks.” Donghae yawns and taps Kyuhyun on the forehead with two fingers before leaving with a cheeky wave, his zipper still half undone. Kyuhyun spends two seconds appreciating Donghae’s nerve before realizing where those fingers have been. With a groan of disgust, he scrubs his face clean with soap until the skin shows chafed and flushed in the mirror.



When Donghae sleeps, it’s in a messy sprawl that takes up three quarters of the bed. Kyuhyun finds this out the hard way when a stray hand winds up cutting off his air supply. He dreams of murderous anti-fans before startling awake and shoving the offending limb off his face. Donghae’s only reaction is to grunt and move his arm above Kyuhyun head, and within moments, his breathing slows to an unconscious rate.

Kyuhyun pokes him in the armpit just to see him jump an inch off the bed. Donghae glowers at him when he lands. “What was that for?”

“I thought you had died.” Kyuhyun shrugs. Kind of hard to do when he’s lying down, so nobody could blame him for being a little lopsided.

Donghae scoffs and turns his back on him, arms tucked tightly against his sides.



“You know,” Donghae says wistfully, “I never realized this before, but you look really good with your pants around your ankles.”

Kyuhyun tongues the inside of his cheek before replying slowly, “I would probably be disturbed if you thought so beforehand.”

“I mean, I probably wouldn’t look half as good in the same situation.”

“Do you even know what you’re saying?”

Donghae gives a self-satisfied grin. “Not particularly. My blood’s still working its way back to my head. I imagine I’ll be very embarrassed at all the things I’ve said twenty minutes later. But right now?” He gives Kyuhyun another exaggerated top to bottom glance and winks greasily.

Kyuhyun rolls his eyes and pulls his jeans up, a little self-conscious when bending over because a look backwards tells him that Donghae’s still eye-fucking him with that blissed out look on his face. “I hope you don’t expect me to pull your pants back on for you.” He says, arms crossed over his chest.

“Of course not. We haven’t slept together that many times.”

“Alright then. I’ll see you onstage.” Kyuhyun says, and strides out of the bathroom, keeping his back straight and limp to a minimum.



“I want that side of the bed.” Donghae says adamantly.

“No.” Kyuhyun replies, and digs himself deeper into the blankets, as if that might provide a stronghold against Donghae’s attempts to push him over.

“I’m older.” Donghae points out, even though they both know Kyuhyun’s never one to follow such norms, especially when it comes to him. His argument: “you get to fuck me up the ass a couple times a week, that’s about as much respect as you’ll get from me.”

“But last time you slept on the other side.”

“Yeah, but that was in your bed. It didn’t seem right to be so demanding then. It’s fair game now.”

Kyuhyun sighs. “You do realize that this room has two queen beds, right?”

“Oh.” Donghae smiles sheepishly, as if that thought has never occurred to him before. “Well then, I’ll be off now. Sleeping all alone in that other bed.” He turns to Kyuhyun, lips curved downwards. “It gets cold there, you know. The windows are a bit drafty.”

Kyuhyun sighs, then rolls one and a half turns. “Get your own blankets then, unless you want to take these from me as well.”

“No, I’m good.” Donghae grins, finally victorious.



Number five is another drunken tumble, and Kyuhyun can’t even remember having sex with Donghae, much less what they talked about afterwards. He only knows he had company last night by the renewed scent of Donghae’s bodywash on his sheets. He half debates throwing it in the wash before laziness takes over, and he winds up pushing all the blankets to that side with a heaving sigh.

“That’s only two out of five, not bad.” he mutters to himself after rolling out of bed, and is promptly horrified that he has kept track.

When he’s fully dressed, he finds Donghae at the living room table, eating Ryeowook’s homemade porridge and kimchi.

“Best hangover cure ever.” Kyuhyun hears him say, and Ryeowook smiles before setting a place for Kyuhyun as well. Donghae looks up at that, and shoots Kyuhyun a lopsided grin. “Morning.”

“Go upstairs to eat.” Kyuhyun replies by way of greeting, “You don’t live here.”

“I would,” Donghae replies, shoving another spoonful into his mouth. One of these days, Kyuhyun will take a video of Donghae when he’s eating and shatter all the fangirls’ romantic perceptions. “But Heechul believes the only way to defeat a hangover is to drink more, and I’ve got a CF to film today.”

Kyuhyun is just about to reply when Hyukjae comes out of his room. “Hey, Donghae, I didn’t know you were here so early.”

Ryeowook’s brows knit together in confusion. “But I thought Donghae was staying in your room last night.”

As if suddenly possessed by the ghosts of boisterous gourmands, both Kyuhyun and Donghae start piling compliments onto Ryeowook’s amazing cooking - four stars, chef - no, five stars - is there even that many - oh, like you would be such an expert on this - while simultaneously eating their porridge as noisily as possible. Hyukjae rolls his eyes, disgusted, and returns to his room.



“You know, some people would call this a relationship by now.” Kyuhyun grins lazily from his side of the bed. It’s a joke; he doesn’t mean anything by it, and he isn’t delusional enough to think it would lead anywhere. To him, it’s nothing more than an offhand comment that tries to quantify this vague arrangement of theirs.

Surprisingly, Donghae doesn’t talk to him for three days after that.

Kyuhyun spends more time than he would like thinking about Donghae’s motivation for this sort of behavior. Without meaning to, his mind would recall scenes from that night during the most inopportune times - dance practice, singing lessons, variety show guestings - and all he can conclude is that Donghae had looked, well, blank, and maybe a little surprised too. And Kyuhyun half remembers that Donghae had opened his mouth before closing it, as if swallowing some words he had meant to utter. Or maybe it was all his imagination - the room was pretty dark after all - and maybe the guy was just really busy and not avoiding him like used tissues during flu season.

Kyuhyun finally confronts him on the third day, a rare free evening meant for relaxation and sex, and he would like to get both before the morning sun bids them another full schedule. “Look,” he says, pausing his game before turning around, just in case the conversation goes on for a while, “before you go off thinking that I’m harboring some secret gay love for you, I’m not.”

Donghae blinks at him a few times before speaking. “I…didn’t think you were.”

“Right.” Kyuhyun nods. “And the whole relationship comment was a joke.”

“Oh.” Donghae waves a hand airily, a small smile coming to his face. “I knew that.”

“So we can have sex now, right?”

“Only if you’re not harboring a big secret gay love for me. I’m quite flattered, as you can see, but not quite ready for such a responsibility.”

“You’re more of an asshole than you let on.” Kyuhyun says, and kisses him before he can squeeze in another retort.



“So if you’re not harboring a big secret gay love-”

“Shut up.” Kyuhyun pushes a pillow into Donghae’s face, until the rest of the words come out too muffled to decipher. “I’m trying to sleep here.”



Donghae has cooked them breakfast in bed, which is a terrifying prospect for several reasons. One, Kyuhyun’s not looking forward to a hospital visit so early in the day. Two, he doesn’t want to think about the state of the kitchen after Donghae’s had a go at it. And three, breakfast in bed pretty much means established relationship, according to the chick flicks that Kyuhyun has never watched, except for that time Heechul made him.

It should be simple, he decides, to define this thing he’s got with Donghae, but it’s not so easily quantified. As much as Kyuhyun would like to, he can’t just trade a thousand heartbeats and three days of laryngitis, final offer, for something as abstract as Donghae’s affection - if this even is affection.

He looks down at plate of charred eggs and potatoes and a mug of lukewarm water surrounded by packets of three-in-one instant coffee. Carefully, he digs his fork into the lightest looking bit of egg and eats it. Already, he could hear his lifespan screaming as it takes a nosedive.

“Eat up!” Donghae grins widely, and Kyuhyun forces a smile to his lips. It’s a spot better than his own cooking, that’s for sure, and but he’d take Ryeowook’s meals any day.

“Mmm, charcoal,” Kyuhyun says before he can stop himself, “healthy part of a complete breakfast.”

“Exactly.” Donghae winks, apparently taking no offense in his words, and empties a packet of instant coffee into his mouth, smacking his lips like it’s the tastiest thing he’s ever eaten. Kyuhyun wonders belatedly if he should have offered him the cup of water.


nine, fifteen, and forty-two

Kyuhyun thinks he should be bothered by how not in love they are, but when Donghae’s gearing up for a second round, mouth biting at the base of his neck and fingers working more lube into his already loose ass, Kyuhyun just can’t be concerned with such small details.


one hundred and fifteen, give or take sixty three (times)

Kyuhyun rubs his chin, where Donghae has accidentally kneed him earlier, and says thoughtfully. “You know, sometimes I don’t even like you.”

Donghae rolls away with a groan, folding the pillow over until his head is sandwiched in between. “Whatever. Take a number and complain about it tomorrow.”

Kyuhyun thinks he’s fully justified in shoving Donghae off the bed.

fandom:super junior, fanfiction, length:1000-5000, pairing:kyuhyun/donghae

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