and down will come

Oct 04, 2007 00:14

Talking about inspirations ...

I just remembered that I haven't yet gone all out over one of my favorite, favorite fics. It's short, it's dark, it makes the skin crawl, it's surreal - all those aspects bleed together to make a fic that just works. I swear, what I tried to do with almost 50,000 words in Erlkoenig, memlu did in 3,000.

The title? and ( Read more... )

sarah, fanart, jareth, labyrinth

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Comments 5

evendia October 4 2007, 10:25:05 UTC
Wow, you're right. That little ficlet REALLY works well in the creepy sense. O_o

I love your's quite romantic, despite the horror inspiration you drew it from. ;)


subtilior October 4 2007, 15:44:35 UTC
Thanks! I do so like that ficlet. :) And the pic does seem romantic, doesn't it? I think it's because of the airy, unfinished pencil quality. But (I say to myself) - he's smirking! she's crying! she's - 15! or 16! Meep!

Romance keeps on rearing its ugly head. :) Before you know it, I'll be writing fluff.

Thanks again for commenting.


evendia October 4 2007, 15:56:19 UTC
Ah, now that you say it.... ;)

Romance keeps on rearing its ugly head. :) Before you know it, I'll be writing fluff.

It's good to have a some fluff once in awhile; it makes you appreciate the darker times more. *lol* Still, if you want to write some go ahead - I'm sure you'd write it with the same quality as in your horror stories.


memlu November 13 2007, 20:23:16 UTC
Ohhhh my goodness, I am so sorry I didn't comment on this earlier. This is lovely. It's immensely and quietly creepy -- the way his cloak surrounds and obscures her! The hunch of her shoulders! Her head tipped down and his head tipped forward, and ... *flaps hands!* -- and sort of sweet, too, but in a very cold and awful sort of way. And his hand twisted in her hair! AUGH. *loves*

Thank you so, so much. ♥♥♥

(And as a side note, I've bookmarked your fic to read as soon as I'm off work and have the time to do so. V. EXCITED ABOUT THIS. It has been ages since I've read decent Labyrinth fic, and -- yes. Very excited, yay!)


subtilior November 14 2007, 05:52:04 UTC
zomg thanks! I'm glad you like it ... and I wish I could convey how cool I find the images in your brief, creepy tale. Jareth's eyes, first "rimmed in black and shining like glass" and then "discolored and flat" ... and his turning the crystal into silver ash ... and, of course: "I would give you the morning made anew every moment you desire it and I ask of you this one thing." CHILLS, I tell you ( ... )


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