Title: Ink Flow [2/7] Rating: PG Fandom: Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Pairing: Slight Byakuran/Shoichi Note: Part 2 of 7 drabbles for 7_deadly_sins_ Word Count: 768 Summary: It was another turn of the seasons when Shoichi died for the second time.
Title: Ink Flow Rating: PG Fandom: Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Pairing: Slight Byakuran/Shoichi, but mainly Gen Note: Part 1 of 7 drabbles for 7_deadly_sins_ Word Count: 1156 Summary: The first time Shoichi dies he’s almost fifteen.
⇒ This journal will be used (for the time being) as a personal artistic journal for devicing⇒ This journal should consist mostly of writing, or failed attempts at graphics (I'm new at this) and possibly doodles/sketches
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