fic: My kindly and most gracious master

Sep 03, 2011 16:32

Wow, I threatened to clean out my WIP folder and then I actually ... did. Or at least finished something. Unbetaed, though delighter prodded me onwards using her usual weapon, shameless flattery, at a crucial point. She is always good for a forceful prodding. Happy early birthday, darling!

fandom: The Eagle
pairing: Esca/Placidus ; offscreen Esca/Marcus
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slash, the eagle, fic

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Comments 24

ladytiferet September 4 2011, 00:03:01 UTC
Oh, man, that was intense and painful! Great story!


subterrain September 4 2011, 00:38:29 UTC
Thank you! :)


poziomeczka September 4 2011, 00:12:04 UTC
I think you already know how I feel about this


I don't even know what to say.

Your writing is truly phenomenal, your voices for Esca and Placidus incredibly spot-on. It's cruel and harsh and you have somehow made something beautiful and painful out of it.


subterrain September 4 2011, 00:40:57 UTC
Ha, I kinda feel like I was making up Placidus, General Asshole, as I went along (I rly need to see the movie again). But from my vague memories of him he was just an opportunistic, if pompous, ass. And used to getting his way. And occasionally very bored, being, you know, in the middle of nowhere. I like his ambiguity, even though I played him pretty one-dimensional here for the sake of teh angst.

Anyway! So glad that we have these common interests. You guys are single-handedly revving this fandom back up, and I'm excited to see it happen!


poziomeczka September 4 2011, 00:44:59 UTC
Oh yes. There so much potential in Placidus, he can be simply anything from a pompous twat to a grossly misjudged character. The possibilities are vast.

We so do! Aahaha I'd say we're using both of our hands ;) SO GOOD TO SEE YOU UP AND ABOUT AGAIN.


floatxxaway September 4 2011, 00:16:41 UTC
Amazing. AMAZING. I'm sitting over here completely blown away, still unable to completely unclench from my pillow. The voices are perfect, and that ending! Wrenched my heart in the best of ways.


subterrain September 4 2011, 06:08:10 UTC
Awww, thank you! That ending was my cheapo cop-out way of not dealing with poor Marcus! I am a lazy bastard. :D


riventhorn September 4 2011, 02:06:55 UTC
I felt so badly for Esca! And this was a really interesting look at what might happen to him as a freedman if he was away from Marcus. And even though Placidus is a bastard here, I didn't totally hate him--you could tell that he thought that he was doing Esca a favor, that he was being kind in his own, prejudiced way. And the whole bit with the fucking and the other slave--guuuh.


subterrain September 4 2011, 06:10:24 UTC
Lulz, I like that analysis of Placidus, King of the Creepers. Idk, I figure Roman society was so strictly regimented that Esca would be having a crazy hard time trying to keep near Marcus. I spent a lot of time (in February, cough) trying to figure out what freedmen were and weren't allowed to do. Not impressed by the options, let me tell you.

Regardless! I am so happy you liked it! Thank you for the lovely feedback. :)


(The comment has been removed)

subterrain September 4 2011, 06:20:10 UTC
No, no moderation! The internet must just be thwarting you for fun!

Also, thanks for totally pointing out that I have taken some kind of dark turn in my life that dubcon threesome slavefic is suddenly within my repertoire. I believe my last email to you on this subject was mostly crying about how I couldn't make the sex make sense in my head. Obviously I just gave up on the 'thinking' part of the equation. And stopped trying to make it hatesex in favour of just non-conning it up in thar.

But what I mean is, thank YOU for making this story feel worthwhile back in February. It is a lame surprise for your birthday: something you've already read that isn't even what you'd actually want if you were handing out prompts, but we are so out of touch with fandom these days that I wouldn't even be able to guess at what you're into. Besides Jaime Lannister proposing to Jon Snow by kneeling down with a ring on top of the Wall at Castle Black. Or, idk, Archer/his mother/Duchess. Except I think that's canon.


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