Old Charlie sure loves to slosh that stuff about. He even pours it on his head for crying out loud. And what's he doing putting on after-shave AFTER a night on the town? A night on the town spent on his own!? Call me old fashioned, but hasn't he got it backwards?
And he loves flinging stuff around that massive apartment of his. First the shirt goes flying into the air, then too goes the MANDOM bottle cap (guess he won't need it after sloshing the entire contents over himself).
And just how many pipes does a man need?
Guess it's as many as the number of Mandom bottles.
Comments 4
And he loves flinging stuff around that massive apartment of his. First the shirt goes flying into the air, then too goes the MANDOM bottle cap (guess he won't need it after sloshing the entire contents over himself).
And just how many pipes does a man need?
Guess it's as many as the number of Mandom bottles.
"mmmmm.... MANDOM."
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