Differences - Chapter 1

Aug 16, 2007 18:41

Title: Differences - Chapter 1
Author: subplotter
Pairings: Mace/Capa, with less significant Mace/Cassie and Capa/Cassie
Rating: PG13 for slashy lovin' (only a kiss) and language; may change with further chapters.
Summary: Mace wants to know what he's feeling and why he's feeling it.  But Capa and Cassie aren't helping matters.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to other, richer individuals.
Notes: After watching Sunshine for the second time (yay for Torrentspy!), I realized that Cassie deserved some fan love, but that I loved Mace/Capa too much to let them go.  So I decided to write a love triangle fic during U.S. History and a little bit of Pre-Cal ;).

Differences - Chapter 1

Mace very willingly allowed Cassie into his bed, but to him, she could have been any of the crew.  Denied it for so many months, Mace saw human touch as a tangible object, and he afforded it no other identity.

To Mace, Capa wasn't part of the crew.  Capa was a passenger with inferior skills needed far into the future.  Yet something else set Capa apart from the others.  Mace couldn't place it or its origin, and he wondered if any of the rest of the crew noticed this distinction.

"I think what you speak of is a desire for friendship," said Searle.  Mace didn't know what he'd wanted to hear, but that wasn't it.

"I don't think so," he said.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Mace.  You should pursue this desire."

"I don't desire Capa."

"Why such emphasis on the word?"

"I don't--I want to leave."

"By all means, since you initiated this session."

Mace stood.  "Don't call it that--a session.  I'm not crazy."

"Of course you aren't."

When Mace exited the evaluation room, he saw Cassie waiting.

She smiled sadly at the sight of him.  "You were talking to Searle?"


"Is everything alright?"


"I wanted to ask him if he had any medication.  You know, to help me sleep."

Mace's brow furrowed.  "Okay."  And Cassie went into the door Mace had exited.

Mace continued to walk down the corridor with his head down, for it felt jumbled.  He didn't see Capa advancing.

The men cursed in unison when they collided.




"Walk on your own side of the corridor!"

"Look ahead when you're walking!"

They had pulled apart but now took steps toward each other.

"I'm tired of you, Capa!"  Mace had his hands in fists and his elbows bent at his sides.

Capa's lip curled, which in turn caused his nostrils to flare.  "Why are you always on my case?"  His voice was low, cold.

"Because you're different."

"Oh, fuck you, you arrogant piece of shit."

Mace didn't think about what he did before he did it.  Those eyes, shaded with anger, just drew him in, and he grabbed the sides of Capa's face and kissed him.  It was a hard kiss that went unreturned.  Mace pulled back and looked into Capa's eyes, and they were wide, frightened.

"Are you guys fighting?"

Cassie.  She continued as she came closer, "You really shouldn't do that.  It'll worry Kaneda.  He's already said he's concerned about everyone getting tenser the longer we stay here.  Maybe you two should--"

"Cassie," said Mace to silence her.

Capa took several steps back, bumping into the wall.  "We're not fighting," he said.

"Well you shouldn't do whatever you were doing, standing so close like that.  One would think you were fighting."  Then she turned toward Mace.  "Searle doesn't have any pills.  He says he's got injections, but those are only for emergencies."

"Oh.  Sorry," Mace replied, but his mind was far from focused on Cassie's sleeping problem.  He wanted her to leave, and he wanted Capa to stay.

But Capa said, "So Cassie, where are you headed?"

"Oh, I should probably check on Icarus.  I'm not supposed to leave her piloting the ship, but I've only been gone a few minutes."

"Can I come with you?"

"Sure.  That would be nice."  The two continued down the corridor.

Before they reached the door at its end, Capa looked back as if to say, "I like Cassie better than you."

capa/cassie, mace/capa, mace/cassie, cassie, capa, mace

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