
Sep 14, 2011 15:34

An update, for all you wonderful people who need to know:

help_kelly has raised more than half of what I need to pay the premiums due at the end of the month! With your help, and possibly a loan from a friend, I should be able to keep Medicare ( Read more... )

shoulder, accident, headaches, shoe carnival, chiropractor, government, medicare/medicaid, dr. jj, back pain, social security

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Comments 15

surreal_44 September 15 2011, 01:15:35 UTC
I'm glad to hear that things seem to be clearing up for you. :-) Let us know if there's anything else that you need.

And I am so, so glad you found a chiropractor who has worked for you! I know that when the right one is found, it can end up with amazing results. I hope you continue your journey into improving your pain. :-)


subluxate September 15 2011, 01:20:32 UTC
I'm just hoping that things get fixed! It depends, at this point, on the payment center, from the sound of things. It's a matter of pushing them--and apparently, that's one thing I can't do, unfortunately.

The chiropractor is amaaaaaaaazing. I may leave Geena for her.


surreal_44 September 15 2011, 01:26:21 UTC
Well, my friend is available to talk if you need any more help. Just let me know, and I'll give you her email address.

I remember about 10 years ago, I hyper-extended my thumb. It was a workman's comp case, so I had to go the doctors, and no matter what they did, they were not fixing it right.

Six weeks later my thumb hurt as much as before. I demanded to be released from care, which they did with great reluctance. I went to my chiropractor; he adjusted it, and it's never hurt since.

It's amazing. I'm so glad you're feeling a little better! :-)


subluxate September 15 2011, 01:31:23 UTC
I will definitely let you know; thank you.

The worker's comp doctors I've seen have been utterly incompetent. I saw them in Georgia and California; Georgia was my neck post-accident (newsflash, doc: numb hand with a history of nerve problems in that side's shoulder that happened immediately after whiplash? You need to do something), as well as torn muscles in my back and a badly subluxated ankle. Still have pain in all three! California, I saw the doctor for my neck once we moved there; he put me in a neck brace, saw me again in a few weeks, and basically shrugged and said, "Ionno." USELESS.

So I'm hoping the chiropractor continues being useful. I've been awake nearly twelve hours now without a migraine, and considering the weeks of daily migraines, this is amazing. My neck hurts still, but it's faaaaaaar better.


honeystix September 16 2011, 06:36:00 UTC
Welcome news indeed! Hopefully seeing the chiropractor for regular adjustments will continue to help. I'm sure just getting rid of the migraines will help you feel so much better. *sends good karma and positive vibes your way in hopes this works!*


honeystix September 16 2011, 06:38:53 UTC
Also, I'm glad to hear you've made calls to rep/senator's offices and that they are mobilizing to help you! Hopefully with their help, this whole mess will be straightened out soon.


subluxate September 16 2011, 20:36:12 UTC
I haven't had a single migraine since I saw her on Wednesday. Headaches, sure, since I have a cold, but those usually morph into migraines. Not this time!


honeystix September 17 2011, 01:09:52 UTC
Huzzah! Good luck, hope this continues to provide you with some relief!


ragnarok_08 September 17 2011, 01:50:18 UTC
Great news :DDDD


shipwreck_light September 18 2011, 20:29:07 UTC
We love you! And we TOTALLY believe you can kick ass at calling the White House.

Because that's what you do. And that's why we make jeweled gorgets in your honor.


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