
Sep 23, 2013 16:55

"ABC News reports a tragic potential ending. The "compromise" to end a government shutdown might be to cut Social Security benefits." - Bold Progressives email ( Read more... )

government, fuck, politics, ssdi/ssi

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Comments 9

ragnarok_08 September 23 2013, 22:23:03 UTC

My SSDI is half my income too X_X;

Fuck the Tea Party and Republicans indeed.


subluxate September 23 2013, 22:34:25 UTC
It's just. AUGH. NO.


awakenyourfaith September 23 2013, 22:26:33 UTC
OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! People depend on SSDI, myself included. Goddamit I wish the Tea Party and anyone else who supports them would get their heads out of their asses and see this!

Is there a petition for this? If so, I'd love to sign it and promote it.


subluxate September 23 2013, 22:34:12 UTC
There's this one. I'll edit it into the post.


awakenyourfaith September 23 2013, 22:39:35 UTC
Thank you so much!


subluxate September 23 2013, 22:48:33 UTC
You're welcome! I had to do a bit of looking to find it.


ciaimpala September 23 2013, 23:18:01 UTC
I just don't understand how anyone thinks cutting Social Security benefits would be a good thing.


subluxate September 23 2013, 23:33:20 UTC
I don't understand how they don't realize Social Security funds aren't remotely related to the federal budget--they're held separate from all other finances, they're paid into directly by workers, and those workers rely on it as they age or if they're disabled and can no longer work. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything, unless Congress keeps borrowing from it and not paying it back. (Congress borrowing from it, btw? If anything's going to kill Social Security, it's that. But, y'know, Social Security has the word "social" in it, so clearly it's a socialist plot to take over America!!!1!)


(The comment has been removed)

subluxate September 24 2013, 14:13:49 UTC
Oh no. They have zero compassion. And the thing is? The vast majority of Tea Partiers are on Social Security and rely on Medicare--they're retired seniors!

Reposting is fine! I'll unlock it so you can link back.


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