Links and Requests

Sep 19, 2013 14:06

Linkspam time so I can clean up Firefox!


disability issues, injuries, allies, halp, questions, research, cowrite, the cowritten novel, links, work, meds, politics, fandom, request, self-care, mental illness, social awareness, health insurance, flist is amazing, mythology randomness ftw, flist knows all, healthcare reform, big bangs, queerness in culture, cats!, funny stuff, equality, writing, history, sciences, racism, important for writing

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Comments 4

rhye September 19 2013, 20:45:58 UTC
For the Norse Pantheon, I'd go to the source itself with Snorri Sturluson's Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda.


subluxate September 19 2013, 20:55:23 UTC
Eeeexcellent, thank you! I will note that one. That's exactly the kind of help we need. =) I really appreciate it.


electricdruid September 19 2013, 20:59:20 UTC
Is this post public, if I may ask? I can think of at least one person I would link it to, if it is, who might be able to help you. If not, I will just ask her myself.

I'd encourage you to check out Sacred Texts. They have several translations of primary texts such as the Talmud, and the rest is a vast collection of older books that have entered into the public domain. As such they are older texts(there isn't much that was published more recently than the 1940s) and should be taken with several grains of salt, but it could be a good starting place, and helpful in filling holes where you are unable to find more recent books ( ... )


subluxate September 19 2013, 21:08:07 UTC
It is now public. Thanks for asking; it completely slipped my mind that friends of friends might be able to help with resources.

Sacred Texts looks incredibly helpful. I'm going to spend so much time there, I'm sure. It looks like a great springboard.

Thank you SO MUCH for the syllabi books. They're going on my list right now. I'll have to do some hunting to get them through an inter-library loan, probably, but I might also be able to buy some of them cheaply. They look like they'll be amazingly useful.


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