Dragon Ball Kai

Oct 09, 2009 21:16

This series is perhaps one of the best news of the year for me. Dragon Ball is one of those series that, as many people say, people try to pretend they never watched. Perhaps because of its age, or perhaps because it is generic shounen action. Nonetheless, it was the first of its genre, and to my mind, still the best. I've never denied loving ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

R:2 scygoku February 8 2010, 18:44:12 UTC
Can't say I've seen any of Dragonball Z Kai but the series has been licensed by someone so that may put a stop to some online sites showing the series.

:/ Gotta watch the japanese version since I doubt even the music was the same in the english version.
The amount of songs I've randomly heard and found out their of Dragonball origin made me wonder when the heck did these get played lol


Re: R:2 subaru_san February 9 2010, 02:19:56 UTC
I don't think so. First of all, everyone knows how long it takes for a dub to come out, and also, dubs coming out very rarely stops subbing entirely. If most groups stop, there'll always be one or two that keep going in secret, using only mIRC or some kind of locked forum for members only, like LJ's friend-locked entries. If it's a less known or less popular series, then the one or two groups working on it might not stop at all.

I thought I had mentioned it, but the background music in the dub is pathetic at best, and completely different from the BGMs used in the original version. I have no idea why they didn't keep them, but the dub ones sound stupid. Heck, the songs themselves are a lot better in the original as well.

As for Dragon Ball, I'm thinking Kageyama Hironobu (who sings most of the Dragon Ball related songs) is pretty popular. He's sung songs in other series like, say, Saint Seiya.


Re: R:2 scygoku February 9 2010, 19:32:47 UTC
:/ thought it was mainly 4kids that really never bothered with the japanese music and so wasted more cash hiring a group to make songs for shows they rarely finish.

>.> Reminds me of the Yu-Gi-Oh OPs,all 4kids did was have some guy say "Yugi oh,yugi yugi..your move..yuuuugiiiioh!" for every season when the japanese version had kick ass tracks to play.

Music creates the atmosphere in a series so when companies take that away and make it more kid friendy then it takes alot out the series.
Even at serious scenes they find ways to mess it up,usually by over editing >-<

My guess is that since the DB dub was rather old and the series was long,back then less focus was on the music since fans weren't as interested..or their views weren't as felt now.

Possibly the new bilingual uncut releases keep the music intact on the japanese audio track but not sure on this.

Wish they would continue releasing Saint Seiya so I can start the series,don't want to buy them if there not interested in completing it >.>


Re: R:2 subaru_san February 11 2010, 04:13:15 UTC
Yeah, Yugioh had pretty awful OPs and EDs too. I never thought of dub music as kid-friendly. I just think of it as Americanized and rather stupid sounding, because anime isn't American, obviously. We didn't use to have easy access to anime like we do now on the net, so I guess people were just happy to have a dub at all, since fansub groups were less prominent back then too.

Btw, have you ever seen .hack//SIGN? If you bought the US DVDs, a nice feature is that they have a separate audio track for the background music. Some very few pieces of that series aren't on CD, mostly different versions of other tracks, but it's pretty cool still.


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