Dude, it's Mickey! He's giving a thumbs up, that means everything's fine! The palooka with the forks for hands doesn't freak you out, but Mickey does? He's delightful.
I have presents for you! Don't worry, they don't include Mickey Mouse!
I loved having you with me, dear, even if only for a brief one-stop. Travelling with you and the kids makes all the difference. I thought the Wolverine thing was hilarious! Though you're right, the staff might have drawn the line at Optimus Prime. He's rather larger than life.
And the place the jug ended up wouldn't have been kosher, necessarily... I'm kidding, I probably wouldn't put a jug on my cock in public... And I'm glad I made you laugh! I was like "Uncomfortable. What to do. WOLVERINE FINGERS, TA DA!" I really am five years old.
That being said, you were in a room full of musicians, a great many of them Metal, so non-kosher things were bound to happen. Not necessarily at Dream Theater's table, but still... Wolverine works, though! As you demonstrated!
Wolvie's hot, baby. The look on my face, not so much, necessarily. We could play Wolverine! I could pretend to be broody! Broody brood brood. Brroooooooddddd! Brood?
Deirdre paid for it! She said it was their engagement present. I have a feeling Quinn was pretty tired by the end of it... Flynn was rapt. It was wonderful.
Comments 35
I have presents for you! Don't worry, they don't include Mickey Mouse!
Oh sweet :D
Hey Thomas, guess what I did today.
Uhm...does it involve cheese?
That mouse has the cold, dead eyes of a killer.
He was delightful! He gave me a pat on the bum!
Haha, oh dear. Well, I'm glad he's out...
Good for the mouse!
"Eat your young?" That's definitely Deirdre.
That's what I thought!
I should get mice. Come help me choose mice, Thomas? I think Rasputina would like them.
I promise not to feed them to the fishies. Well, maybe one. Like the ones you feed to snakes.
Okay! As long as you take me nowhere near the lizards! And yes. Don't feed the pet mice to your fishies...
Is Rasputina coming too?
Do you want Rasputina to come? She can help us choose!
Yes! And she can cuddle Uncle Thomas!
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