Title: These Things, I Thought They Only Happened In Movies With Arnold Schwarzenegger
suaineDisclaimer: I do not own this piece of fiction. It walked up to me and beat me over the head.
Rating: R/Crack
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Colin/Bradley
Summary: Arthur shoots a magical deer, then a fertility goddess shoots him up.
Notes: I was promised
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Comments 91
For srs. This is fucking awesome - Merlin/Arthur and Bradley/Colin (\o/) and Uther/Gaius aside, it's a perfect blend of crack and romance and just mmmmmmmmmmmmm brilliance.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Needless to say, you're a genius. XDD
I love how you've interwoven The Story with Bradley and Colin's reactions to it. (Belly armour! Chainmail baby shoes! XD) Also: the vial turning blue! *gleeful cackling* This is possibly my favourite 'Future' bit, though:
""How does that even work?" Bradley yells, but they've had this argument ten times already and everyone except him seems to think it's the most brilliant thing in the world.
Julian just grins and waves his script in the air. "Really, between unicorns, magic and talking dragons, this is what gets you?""
Oh, and that last section, when Arthur's on the battlefield giving birth ... that's powerful. And beautiful, and scary. For all that this is a bit cracky and bizarre, it's somehow really gorgeous, as well. (Aw, Igraine! <3) This is how m-preg ought to be done. *nods*
*waits impatientlyfor the art you were promised*
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