Fic: Excalibur

Jan 17, 2009 19:15

You guys! I bring fic :D

Title: Excalibur
Author: suaine
Rating: R
Spoilers: general for the series, specific 1x09
Summary: The legends speak of a sword, beautifully crafted, powerful beyond the imaginings of man.
Notes: Thanks so much to my cheerleaders, especially the ever-awesome lunafenice, and sparky77 for beta and cheering.

Excalibur )

merlin and arthur are sitting in a tree, slash, merlin, fic

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Comments 51

solar_cat January 17 2009, 19:35:24 UTC
GUH. This is incredible. Your writing is beautiful, and seriously, right here: their hearts' beat That killed me. In the good way, where one manages to die of squee and love. And Taliesin!! *flails*

There are not enough ♥ to adequately describe this. <3


_profiterole_ January 17 2009, 19:55:51 UTC
OMG, this is so awesome and amazing and perfect! \o/

I have such a huge kink for telepathy. ♥


souzoukyuuketsu January 17 2009, 20:11:49 UTC
So, and Merlin is the sheath to Arthur's sword?

(This was beautiful)


suaine January 17 2009, 21:34:45 UTC
So, and Merlin is the sheath to Arthur's sword?

I like to think so. The scabbard is, in a way, even more powerful than the sword. It makes one almost immortal, at least from any kind of battle wound. In at least one version of the story, Merlin asks Arthur to choose between the two items (and admonishes him for choosing the sword). In some versions, Morgan Le Fay tricks Arthur and steals the scabbard in an effort to defeat him. She throws it back into the lake, which was, I think, what first made me draw the Merlin = scabbard parallel.


callistianstar January 17 2009, 20:12:28 UTC
Oh my. There was just so much incredibleness about this. Arthur being able to use Merlin's magic, even if it was for a small momet in time...that was so much awesomeness. You wrote their connection well, and the moment when Arthur found out about Merlin's magic. Great job with this. I really liked the idea of Merlin having to pay some price for betraying the dragon, though it wasn't technically his fault. He couldn't have really refused Uther the time, unless he used magic or something.


hackthis January 17 2009, 20:30:38 UTC
This is so beautiful it's almost disquieting. Seriously. Halfway through reading this I found myself playing with my hair, which, um, I don't do, and it was almost like I was trying to sooth myself, and be all "it's okay! it's okay!" Um, I digress. This is absolutely lovely. Rock on.


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