Friday December 5

Dec 06, 2014 00:52

FEMALE RADIO ANNOUNCER: … In related news, the L.A. Archdiocese has stated to the press that it will remove all false idols from its churches, replacing them with images of she who walks among us. Way to go, Catholic Church. Yes, it's a great day to be alive.
LORNE: Well, talk about media bias. Well, not that I wanna talk about media bias. It seems rather moot right now. Speakin' of moot, what about us? Anyone else feel like the last feisty wife in Stepford?
FRED: What are we gonna do? What can we do?
WESLEY: There has to be an answer.
ANGEL: There has to be a way. We just need time.
GUNN: To hell with that. We need a damn break. But the universe don't seem to be handing breaks out to the underdog lately. No leads, no database, no weapons, no shelter.
WESLEY: And very little gas.

~~Magic Bullet~~
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