
Jul 19, 2011 22:14

Summary: What if Ted, Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Robin were childhood friends?

Pairing: Brotp

Genre: AU Fluff

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Everything that happens in this is fictional. I do not claim rights to the characters nor do I imply that this is how they are and that this is what the plot is in the show. I will be happy to take down this story upon asking.

A/N: This will be in three, maybe four, parts. This is the first part. I have the second part written, which will be Middle school, and I have yet to write the third part, which will be high school. I don't know what a fourth part would be. Please enjoy and review! :) X posted to


-What if Ted, Marshall, Robin, Barney, and Lily were childhood friends?


"Class, everyone be quiet! We have a new student from a different country," the youthful teacher exclaimed, bending over with her hands on her knees to get down to the children's' level. She stood up and walked stiffly to the door of the classroom, determined to wear heels to school despite the toll it took on her feet. She opened the door gingerly, trying not to fall over, and ushered in the new girl. Tall for her age and skinny, she had long wavy brown hair and light eyes. The teacher whispered in her ear, urging her to introduce herself. The girl's eyes widened, but she stood up straight and spoke.

"Hi everyone, I'm Robin Sherbatsky, and I'm from Canada," she smiled, but then her face fell. No one was paying attention. Everyone was just sitting on the floor or at a table, coloring or pushing a truck into a stuffed animal. 'Great, I'm in a class with a bunch of idiots,' she thought as she sat down next to a redheaded girl coloring at a table. "Hi, what are you coloring?" She asked the girl. The girl was tiny. Everyone in the class was small, with the exception of one huge boy playing with a loch nest monster doll, but she was so bite sized. The girl looked up at her with enormous unblinking eyes, surveyed her for a second, and then smiled.

"Hi, I'm Lily, and I'm coloring a unicorn. I'm gonna be an artist when I'm a grown up!" She said cheerily. Robin laughed, the unicorn was pretty bad, but she wasn't going to say that.

"That's cool. I want to be a journalist!" She said excitedly, happy that she had made a new friend. Lily's brows drew together.

"What's that?" She asked, but Robin got the feeling that she didn't really care. So, Robin backtracked.

"Or, a singer," She giggled. Lily laughed.

"Oh yeah, that'd be cool. I'm done!" She yelled, the teacher came over.

"That's very good Lily. You're going to be a wonderful artist when you grow up," she said warmly. She left soon after, hobbling back to her desk.

The huge boy with the Loch nest monster doll came over to the table. He took Lily's picture and kissed it. "This is beautiful!" He said kindly. "Can I draw with you?" He asked. Lily nodded, and Marshall scooted around to her side of the table. Robin nearly screamed. She grabbed Lily and pulled her aside.

"Lily what are you doing?"

"...coloring with Marshall?" Robin gagged at this.

"But he's a boy," she spat the words out. Lily just shrugged.


"So you'll get cooties!" She nearly yelled this at her new friend. Lily laughed.

"My mommy told me that those aren't real, and Marshall's fun!" She started to turn back to the table. Robin was still shocked that Lily was so close to a boy. She was going to get cooties and get sick!

"Um, I think I'll go play with the blocks. Have fun with Marshall," she said moving to the floor. It was made out of that spongey puzzle piece carpet. A tower of blocks stood in front of her. She looked around. There wasn't anyone near it, so she assumed that she was free to knock it down and use the blocks for her own entertainment, and that's what she did. No sooner had the last block hit the floor did a short and chubby boy waddle over. He gripped his short black hair and spluttered at her, flailing his arms and grunting.

"She knocked over my tower!" He shouted. Robin panicked.

"Shhh Shhh, don't get me in trouble! I didn't know it was yours. Here, you can re-build it with me!" The boy shrugged and sat down. She sighed in relief. This was worth getting cooties over. His brows knitted together, and his tongue peeked out between his lips. "What's your name?" She asked loudly, breaking his concentration. He snapped up.

"Ted," he responded, smiling. She then realized that the tower was rather rectangular and had a roof.

"Hey, that's not a tower,"

"No it's a house! It's a house for a mommy and a daddy and their two kids. The daddy is giving the house to the mommy because he loves her," Ted said, babbling on. Robin backed away from him. He was nice but weird!

"I'm gonna go play with someone else, see you later," she said to Ted. She didn't know who she was going to play with next. She scanned over everyone in the room. She could feel her brain switching topics just looking at them. They were all so horridly boring. She was about to give up, when a curly mop of blonde hair caught her eye. How could it not? It was blonder than the sun. The kid was sitting in a corner playing with a doll, big blue eyes studying every aspect of the room. She shrugged and walked over to him. It's not like she had anything better to do.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked in the highest voice she'd ever heard. He was genuinely surprised that she was coming to see him.

"Coming to sit with you silly. I'm Robin, and I like your doll,"

"Really? I'm Barney, and it's not a doll! It's an action figure," Barney whined.

"...the action figure is wearing a pink dress and has blonde pigtails. It's a doll. Why are you sitting alone in the corner?" She asked.

"I like girls, but they don't like me. So they pretend like we're playing house, and then they lock me in the closet. If I sit here, then no one can lock me in that thinks i'm weird," he said shrugging with his face. He brushed his fingers through the doll's yarn hair, untangling the strands from each other. A boy with a unibrow and overalls stumbled over to retrieve a ball when Barney caught his eye. Barney panicked, trying to hide the doll, but the boy had already seen it. The boy laughed and pointed at the smaller boy.

"What are you a girl? You're playing with a doll! Barney? More like Barbie!" The boy stuck his tongue out at Barney; Barney just glared at him until he went away. Robin was itching to run up to the little brat and sock him in the nose.

"Her name is Penny, my doll," Barney began. "My mommy got it for me before I was born. She thought I was gonna be a girl. I still like Penny," he said hugging the rag of a toy. Robin didn't know what to say.

"Why didn't you say anything to that mean boy?" She asked, thoroughly confused. Barney chuckled.

"Please, I don't care what he says. He's wearing overalls!" The way he spat out the last word made Robin laugh. Usually she was pretty firm on her stance against cooties, but maybe Barney was worth getting cooties for. She stood up and took his arm.

"Wanna go play house? I promise not to lock you in the closet. I don't even know how to use locks,"

"Really? Ok! Yeah! Let's play house; I call being the brother!" He said running over to the pink plastic little house in the middle of the classroom.
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