Oh! have you any idea how long it took me to get that shot?! They look all consumed with philosophical thoughts in many pictures, but in fact the little buggers don't stop moving. This particular look in fact means 'step back! I'm about to jump for your fancy camera' :)
It's breaks my heart to read your stories... What the poor animals have to go through because of human greed and stupidity. The last picture is very nice! And the one with the little monkey cuddling on Shurik's arm - beautiful!
Unfortunately, it is not just the animals but humans, too, who are often the victims of human greed, stupidity, violence.
In fact, suffering of the animals is not primarelly due to "human greed and stupidity" but because of other animals' violence. Do you think those poor Spider Moneys would feel or fare any better if their mommie were attacked by a jaguar instead of poachers? Or burned in a forest fire?
It seems that both joy and suffering (as applies to the higher animals who can feel those emotions) are a part of the natural fabric and order of life, and humans are certainly not the inventors or the primary source of them.
Of course, we can enjoy our superior moral agency and take on a duty to spare animals (and other humans) of "unnecessary" (whatever way it is defined) suffering. Still, we hardly owe that duty to the animals themselves (unless one believes in some religious tract that proclaims that men were made to rule over the animals -- ie. 'rule' implying a duty to rule wisely and benevolently).
it's all about chances. Right. However, it today's world, a spider monkey (jaguar, mink etc) has higher chance to be killed by poachers (illegal traders, fur lovers) than to be killed by jaguar (forest fire, lightning, i.e. natural causes). Yes, we are the cause of the death (pollution, deforestation) we owe it to the species that are effected by our stupidty and greed. True, other humans fall victims of fellow humans' violence, stupidity and greed. There is a retribution for the perpetrators and justice for the victims (ideally). Perpetrator being send to jail and victim being compensated by monetary means. How is going to compensate poor monkeys, bears and other animals whos lives were taken just because some rich bitch on 5th Ave in NY wants to impress her friends with an exotic parrot from Amazon jungles? Therefore these people, who are trying to save and rehabilitate the animals. BTW, it has nothing to do with "moral superiority". It has something to do with empathy, sympathy and compassion - very humane traits.
I'd actually love to see some official stats regarding the chances of death for animals (or some higher animals) being heigher from direct human activities (or at least not too-indirect one) than all the other "non-old-age causes" combined (deasese, other animals, fire, etc
( ... )
Не по теме почти. Очень мне нравится ваш авантюризм. Прямо завидно. Задумалась я тут - вот люди... а я... Посмотрела на твой день рожденья и поняла что в твои 25 лет я тоже в общем-то всё побросав практически с грудным ребёнком на руках одна уехала в чужую страну учиться в крутом универе на плохо понятном языке. Наверное не всё со мной так уж плохо... И когда-то я не выдержу и оторву попу от стула и схватив детей в охапку куда-нибудь отправлюсь сломя голову. И ведь муж небось не против будет, что особенно приятно :) Такие вот мысли навевает ваш журнал :)
Какая умилительные картинки:Kак же Стасе нелегко так сразу разобраться: А вдруг это и есть истинное обезьянье выражение нежности, любви и признательности? Или... крохотная игрушечного размера обезьянка столь уютно-доверчиво прильнула к Шурику! Папина девочка! И несомненно Шурик горд и откровенно изумлён поразительным успехам талатливого ученика.
How fun! How are the repairs to Green Go coming? So is today your anniversary? Someone's birthday? or some other significant date? I ask because it showed up on my LJ birthdays list...
He-he! We actually had the date mixed up and thought it was going to be tomorrow! GreenGo is now alright, for all we know, but we got stuck in El Salvador hanging on the war stories of Don Salvador here, who is letting us stay and eat for free in exchange of fixing his website. About the date I will be mini-posting in a moment :)
Comments 32
Good journey
The last picture is very nice! And the one with the little monkey cuddling on Shurik's arm - beautiful!
In fact, suffering of the animals is not primarelly due to "human greed and stupidity" but because of other animals' violence. Do you think those poor Spider Moneys would feel or fare any better if their mommie were attacked by a jaguar instead of poachers? Or burned in a forest fire?
It seems that both joy and suffering (as applies to the higher animals who can feel those emotions) are a part of the natural fabric and order of life, and humans are certainly not the inventors or the primary source of them.
Of course, we can enjoy our superior moral agency and take on a duty to spare animals (and other humans) of "unnecessary" (whatever way it is defined) suffering. Still, we hardly owe that duty to the animals themselves (unless one believes in some religious tract that proclaims that men were made to rule over the animals -- ie. 'rule' implying a duty to rule wisely and benevolently).
However, it today's world, a spider monkey (jaguar, mink etc) has higher chance to be killed by poachers (illegal traders, fur lovers) than to be killed by jaguar (forest fire, lightning, i.e. natural causes).
Yes, we are the cause of the death (pollution, deforestation) we owe it to the species that are effected by our stupidty and greed.
True, other humans fall victims of fellow humans' violence, stupidity and greed. There is a retribution for the perpetrators and justice for the victims (ideally). Perpetrator being send to jail and victim being compensated by monetary means. How is going to compensate poor monkeys, bears and other animals whos lives were taken just because some rich bitch on 5th Ave in NY wants to impress her friends with an exotic parrot from Amazon jungles?
Therefore these people, who are trying to save and rehabilitate the animals.
BTW, it has nothing to do with "moral superiority". It has something to do with empathy, sympathy and compassion - very humane traits.
Такие вот мысли навевает ваш журнал :)
About the date I will be mini-posting in a moment :)
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