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stupidrhapsody March 31 2012, 10:19:49 UTC
new thread for superatiq
title: how we love.
banghim. youngjae, jongup + junhong as their kids. daehyun as youngjae's boyfriend.
1,085 words. PG.
original prompt; can you write a domestic banghim with jongup, and zelo as the son, yongjae as the daughter and daehyun, the son in law.his boys' school is cancelled today because almost all of the air conditioners broke ( ... )


stupidrhapsody March 31 2012, 10:21:45 UTC
the twins run to hug their hyung, but youngjae shrieks that they absolutely can’t play around a knife―plastic or not―and the twins pout again. himchan watches, amused, as youngjae bites his bottom lip and contemplates whether to continue being strict or not. then daehyun takes over; he kneels in front of jongup + junhong and explains that they should never run/attack a person holding a knife because it’s sharp and dangerous and they can bleed. junhong grasps jongup’s arm at that; he hates hurting, that’s why books are his best friend ( ... )


superatiq March 31 2012, 11:55:07 UTC

this was like omg ;______________;

himchan is so lovely, jongup+junhong twins are so cute (ohgod i love twins I LOVE IT I LOVE YOU), your daejae is so perfect and
the mental image of them preparing lunch for the stupid gorilla bear yongguk are just asfjsakfkfg

sobs all over your shoulder can i be the babysitter ;;

“oh my god call an ambulance! do a cpr! himchan-hyung can you do a cpr?!” jiho yells, touching his chest
jiho is such a girl lol

thank you so much for this fic *rub yongguk's grease all over your body*


stupidrhapsody March 31 2012, 12:39:07 UTC

... )


superatiq March 31 2012, 13:59:06 UTC
you dude, deserve to feel like a boss. *claps claps*
that twin-idea thingy is so much win i keep on imagining a jongup junhong twincest in my head rn (yes i like twincest i know i'm gross)

and jiho, you commented on jiho *insert crying gif*
i'd def comment on jiho even if you mention his name only one time in a 23453927537 words fic cuz i love that bitch orz
he's my secret bias shh don't tell jihoon


stupidrhapsody March 31 2012, 14:43:18 UTC
you know what i've been thinking about the twincest, too, in fact, i might made jongup + junhong as twin just so i can write how much junhong loves his jongupie etc etc when they hit puberty.

we're fucked.

but jihoon is my bro. and jiho. he..............................oh god.


superatiq March 31 2012, 16:04:02 UTC
i don't really ship jongup + junhong ( hell idek what's their pairing name and shit) but if you happen to write this twincest (praying hard that you really do,please make it nc-17) well ehem im here waiting

*brofist* :')

ohgod jiho........................ i........ wow jiho why are you not in my life why are you not in my bed let's cuddle etc /sigh


stupidrhapsody April 1 2012, 12:47:38 UTC
you have + points thanks to your sheep icon shaun the sheep is obviously my favourite.
so, here;

... )


noxiouscherries April 1 2012, 13:32:42 UTC
Oh my kjdnhcskdbcsbd. Sorry. I've been holding back from commenting on your not-so-flash fics but asdfghjkl This is too freakin' cute. Eep. I was giggling and smiling through the whole thing. XD The twins. God. The twins are too adorable. @_@


stupidrhapsody April 1 2012, 20:56:08 UTC
troloololololo oh dude, may i know why though?
the twins are my favourite thing here. possible twincest, too. le sigh. thanks for reading yo.


noxiouscherries April 2 2012, 12:55:59 UTC
I was trying to be a good kid keeping away from all the smut. even though I read everything. everything, I tell you
They're my favorite too. Their fluffiness is killing me. twincest is always good for fics, imo 8D My pleasure, bb! XD


stupidrhapsody April 2 2012, 17:26:36 UTC
i knew it yo.

... )


volatileflame April 1 2012, 17:57:49 UTC
tooooooooooooooo cute X3


stupidrhapsody April 1 2012, 20:56:21 UTC


tumblingpony April 1 2012, 18:12:50 UTC
Please, sir, can I have more JongZelo? because you know, twincest is the shit
And the ninja!Block B ksadjfbkszjdglksjdfglkjsdfgljkbdfg
Normally, I don't like kids but this fic made me have so many fluffy feels, I can't even begin *w* Also, I think Himchan might make a good kindergarten teacher. Just saying.


stupidrhapsody April 1 2012, 21:00:19 UTC
coming right up, twincest, that is.
block b ninja, i shall do it. you don't like kids uh whoooa. glad this fic doesn't choke you or sumting. and yesss. himchan as kindergarten teacher, i know. i know.

thanks for reading yo.


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