a b a n d o n e d journal

Dec 31, 2019 13:13

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Comments 313

flusteredmess March 1 2011, 08:55:38 UTC
H-hi. ;___; you're awesome. I'm in love with your fics too. ♥

Please don't mind me, I just want to take the first comment and be a big ol' creeper. /o/

also, I added you. I have now crossed the border of being partially creepy to all-out stalker... loljk.


stupidrhapsody March 2 2011, 00:34:32 UTC
djklfjkasjkldflasdfklsakldfkla sorry sorry sorry nega nega monjo neke shit I didn't notice this dude, and also, fuck yeah first comment, thought nobody will pay attention to this ahey.

... )


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stupidrhapsody March 5 2011, 08:10:45 UTC
oh I had changed my setting, now please try again?

p.s. why would you send me a message tho *runs happily


stupidrhapsody March 5 2011, 08:19:58 UTC
btw yeah girl!taemin, what's her name again?


sorry for butting in playingods March 17 2011, 08:54:35 UTC
the name's taeyeon :D


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stupidrhapsody March 9 2011, 23:00:18 UTC
yo akire yo yo. I just lurked your LJ profile, mate. poland, eh? dats too damn awesum. argh.

what is really wrong with us, girl? :P (= same here)
t-t-t-his. so much. gah. onew is perfect, and he's a sagittarius, and he's smart, funny, etc etc. husband for like, just staying in one house without s*x you know? asexual for the win *highfive

same as above. electro pop, my favourite tag, lol. what happened with me during last year (of kpop)? just tell me when i lost my way? :S
dude you don't know how many of my friends who go nuts o__O jajhdjhasfjhsjfja wtf you like kpop? you??? agh. foals, arctic monkeys, klaxons, mumford & sons, bring my sanity back please.

thanks dude about the comment logic. sometimes I feel... wtf when I saw a great author abandon her/his awesome readers. hah.

oh yeah about that; where'd you find mah onkey? not that I'm complaining because they're months old and I like comments of kors *runs


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stupidrhapsody March 10 2011, 10:41:29 UTC
hello? europe? snow? *runs to poland* awesome eye colors, too. agh. oh yeah I saw that too. dats fine y know mate, since you just use your LJ to comment. am I right?

shjkdfhjkjkfajkfjka me too me too, kyuhyun is my 2nd fav on suju ajkdfjjskfkas.
it's like with your ultimate OTP. you don't choose it. it chooses you.
what is this? are we separated twins?

bah I dunt like dolls lololol. oh about that, yeah, owlbee and her cousin, I think, also commented on my WWYB. dat settled, then *shake hands


playingods March 17 2011, 13:57:36 UTC
hi o_o

well, uh, where are you from? right that's probably not a good start but anyways yeah, i just want to know.
... )


playingods March 18 2011, 03:11:52 UTC
playingods March 18 2011, 06:26:33 UTC
playingods March 18 2011, 08:53:45 UTC

beyateriz March 24 2011, 21:01:13 UTC
8D so im here at your introduction page! and well, i like dbsk buuuut since i got into kpop late (as in just 2 years ago) idk so much about them but i am learning! most important thing is i am highly changmin biased *_*

aaand for the kyuwon fic, it doesn't have to be now! XD when you can, ofc. must be a busy busy girl. ahaha. <33


stupidrhapsody March 24 2011, 23:15:32 UTC
lol I'm ashamed but still, hay hay.

wtf if you're late then what that makes me? retarded, maybe. kikiiaidfisfsadf cos I just got into korean craze at the end of 2010, you see.
about changmin. god. I'm not really into him like I'm to junsu but omfg. that photo up there? I damn nearly cried when I first saw it IDEK. there's something about him you know?

loolllo but I will, for sure. do you want mention or spot? cos I can do that.

p.s. ahem I'm torturing myself by starting writing my own yunho/changmin. do you have like, link for homin fics? wait. what's your OTP?


beyateriz March 25 2011, 14:40:27 UTC
lol? at the end of 2010? i am still not able to catch up with dbsk so i'm only focusing on changmin atm. XD but junsu, my friend constant spams me with him!

XD lmao, you don't have to! it's just smth imma look forward to :>

ps. T__T i ship changmin with kyuhyun. snarky maknaes ftw.


stupidrhapsody March 25 2011, 16:48:24 UTC
well *scratches head* I myself discovered dbsk last and like, got a heaven sent or something god why did they need to break up?

akfdkasfka changmin/kyuhyun. who tops who lol?


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