Not an incredibly big stupid (yet - but it has potential), but lots of little gems for your morning coffee:
Over in
silentsymphonie posts about
an allegedy neglectful waitress who (almost) made them too late for a homecoming dance. This is not the stupid, per se.
The stupid comes with
visionofclarity, who, as a speshulsnowflake former waitress, says,
"Just because your special snowflake selves didn't plan well and had to be obnoxious enough to ask for separate checks and use a credit card for one of them as opposed, oh I don't know, getting one check and paying in cash so you could leave it on the table and go?" Bonus points for "Teenagers make crappy customers" wank.
Bonus misunderstandings of the space-time continuum
here, and
And, my favorite?
Waitress/Server wank!