While I also believe life begins with conception, I also understand that 5-year-old frozen embryos are not the same as 5-year-old living children. Destroying an embryo may present a moral/ethical dilemma, but I can't understand how she can equate a child with a frozen embryo. I might understand her point of view if we were talking about a fetus, but even still...
There's also this to consider: If the woman was able to use the embryos, she might have had to destroy the "leftovers", anyway. I certainly don't think (and I may be wrong) that a doctor would implant all 5-7 (or however many she had) embryos inside her at the same time. And if s/he did, and all 5-7 embryos took, in all likelihood, they'd have to terminate some of them, anyway, due to complications/risk. I don't think this situation could possibly have ended in a way that would satisfy staunch "life = conception" people.
Dr's doimplant 5+ eggs at a time. Not all are expected to stick however. Sometimes they all do hence we have the 8tuplets and the quintets (I cant spell) on Maury. The procedure is VERY expensive. and so the more eggs one puts in, the higher the likely hood that atleast ONE will stick. Sometimes two/three stick and thats *okay*, no one expects all 4+ eggs. How many the Dr' puts in is a discussion between the Dr and patient.
She had cancer and lost her ovaries - the eggs were taken out and fertilized so they could be implanted in her after she recovered from cancer. So those eggs were her only chance to ever have biological children. I guess she could look past the ex-boyfriend part.
Comments 111
Yeah. No.
And there are people who disagree with you. Deal.
There's also this to consider: If the woman was able to use the embryos, she might have had to destroy the "leftovers", anyway. I certainly don't think (and I may be wrong) that a doctor would implant all 5-7 (or however many she had) embryos inside her at the same time. And if s/he did, and all 5-7 embryos took, in all likelihood, they'd have to terminate some of them, anyway, due to complications/risk. I don't think this situation could possibly have ended in a way that would satisfy staunch "life = conception" people.
*excuse typing. I am on a broken keyboard*
What I want to know is, why would anyone want to have their EX-BOYFRIEND'S kids, anyway?
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