time for a small batch of religion wank, all within the typically quiet walls of
honestyisabitch. it all began when
mumbalo_jack made
this post enlightening we "multicultural leftist apologists" as to why all of islam, not just the extremists are teh ebil.
someone bothers to point out that
that all religions have their nutters but to
mumbalo_jack christianity isn't so bad because a few hundred years of of manifest destiny and western imperialism don't count.
in addition, he takes the time to point out that he is in fact
a unique and beautiful snowflake.
ideasmith becomes um, inspired, and makes a
tl;dr post about how christianity isn't all that innocent either, and
hollowpointslug after making a few choice quotes
posts another excerpt not wanting to be left out.
all mad that his christianity post got more criticism than the islam post
ideasmith whines that obviously this means the world is full of double standards because
livejournal represents an accurate cross-section of the world. objet_a posts his own gem where we all imagine a
world without religion and
ideasmith gets his panties in a bunch again.
and yeah, there's a healthy dose of me being a bitch all throughout those posts, but goddammit people who regard history as simply a pesky footnote rub me the wrong way.
edit: the one man band of stupid has moved
his little tirade to
heated_debate (thanks
threegoats) to see if it gets better reception there. thankfully it isn't.