Things I want to do but probably shouldn't:

Nov 19, 2011 10:44

1. Write a whole bunch of John/Karkat specifically to piss everyone off.

Hey, hey, fandom, come over here I have something really exciting to tell you. Are you listening? Are you ready for it because I think you aren't it might just blow your mind right out of your face.

Ready okay here it is:

There is no such thing as an inherently bad pairing. Or an ( Read more... )

why did i sign up for a ficathon, fandom, writing, things i want to write, homestuck, icons

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Comments 14

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brewsternorth November 19 2011, 23:49:45 UTC
Agreed! I'll sometimes lurk on other people's Tumblrs for the sake of shinies/spoilerpics, but I haven't felt the need for an account - I am a more textual type.


stunt_muppet November 28 2011, 04:06:42 UTC
That's mostly what I'm doing now - I've got the Tumblrs of people I know here bookmarked, as well as some others I've found, but I don't have anything to put up there myself - certainly not any original artistic content.

And yet I seem not to talk to anyone who is on Tumblr if I'm not on it myself. Hmm hmm.


stunt_muppet November 27 2011, 06:50:25 UTC
And yet so many people seem to have done so, migrating almost entirely to Tumblr and only popping in to post an "I'm not dead" every so often. And meanwhile I'm over here like "but what about meta? What about lengthy blog posts? What about having a conversation where every sentence of it doesn't have to be reblogged to even continue the dialogue why would you even do that waaaagh."

I sometimes feel like fandom as a whole is getting a shorter and shorter attention span. Damn whippersnappers can't even focus long enough to have a real conversation, rassa frassa just wanna look at pretty pictures git offa mah lawn. *shakes fist*


ravenskyewalker November 19 2011, 17:20:38 UTC
I do Tumblr a lot lately because it's perfect for the oddly brain-dead state of mind I've been in for ages -- ooh, good photo, pretty picture -- reblog reflexively! Heh. It doesn't replace LJ as a way to have online conversations.


stunt_muppet November 28 2011, 04:10:17 UTC
I think a lot of fandom seems to be feeling like that lately - maybe we kind of burned out on meta after the last round of meta-heavy Thinky Thoughts about kyriarchy and the place of fandom in literary circles and now people just want to look at pictures?

It does kind of suck if you have no way to provide those pictures for people, though. Suppose I should just get one anyway.


fierceawakening December 7 2011, 12:09:46 UTC
I miss meta too in some ways but I've been losing most of my time to RPing. And also, my version of meta tended to feed wank wars, whether I intended it or not. IDEK.


fearlessfirefly November 19 2011, 17:35:53 UTC
I stopped reading Homestuck after a short while, so what's wrong with John/Karkat essentially? I keep seeing wank about it with no explanation.

Yeah, I loooove Tumblr but it seems to be biased for artists over writers, and conversations are hard to hold on there like on LJ. So I'll never move over there 100% because I really do need a site for actual convos and fics and stuff. But I'm there (lannistersroar)!


stunt_muppet November 28 2011, 04:37:30 UTC
I honestly don't know. From what I can discern, it started at a point fairly late in Act 5 wherein Karkat confessed to a hatecrush on John. John responds that he is, quote, "not a homosexual" to shut that down. For some reason, some segments of fandom seized on that as ironclad canon, with changing it akin to shipping Kanaya with a man and thus erasing a queer character. As such shipping John/Karkat was wrong wrong wrong.

Except there seem to be plenty of people who ship John/Dave who decry John/Karkat as inherently bad, so...yeah, I got nothing.

I've noticed that - conversations seem to involve reblogging the same thread over and over so it shows up again and again on your dash. There's no real threading or even a comments section of any kind. I don't know if I could get used to that - it's very isolated.

Still, I'll probably get an account just to be there. I miss seeing people! I'll add you once I get the account set up.


kayliemalinza November 20 2011, 01:44:28 UTC
Tumblr has some serious structural flaws which prevent it from being a community-building space--it's basically impossible to hold a coherent conversation--but there's lots of shiny stuff in easy reach. Personally I've been moving away from the community aspect of fandom for a while though, so I don't mind. I think you're about as hermit-like as I am, so you might not mind, either. However! I'm not kidding about the shiny! You'll probably end up blocking it twice a week just to get anything done, heh.

And of course I am kayliemalinza over there, too.


stunt_muppet November 28 2011, 04:52:44 UTC
I've noticed - there isn't even really a space to comment. You just have to keep reblogging stuff back and forth. It seems very echo-chamber-y. And while I do value my alone time, I am also discovering that after too much alone time I go a little stir-crazy, even online, and I'll end up going to anonmemes and chans for any kind of conversations. I'd rather do that in a place I can have my pseud attached and keep track of conversations.

I have already lost hours to some of the more backlogged tumblrs, believe me - I'm well aquainted with the block button even without having an account.


quadruplify November 21 2011, 03:52:42 UTC
I'm pretty much on Tumblr most of the time too. It's more of a microblogging site than a social networking site like LJ is, and yeah, it's pretty hard to have conversations on there (though it's not impossible), but considering the headspace I'm in right now, it's low-maintenance and very addictive. I'm still on LJ, but I've noticed that activity has gone down here quite a bit, so if you still really want to keep up with people you'll probably have to get an account.


stunt_muppet November 28 2011, 05:02:07 UTC
I've noticed - a big chunk of Transformers fandom seems to have decamped there, if nothing else, which I guess makes sense because it's such a heavily visually-oriented fandom and thus well-suited to the image-heavy nature of Tumblr.

I don't know, I just kind of miss the big comment threads that used to develop in people's journals. Anon chatting is nice and all but I'd like to do it with my pseud attached and be able to follow a thread.


quadruplify November 28 2011, 05:08:55 UTC
I understand. And you can still have conversations and threads and whatnot on Tumblr -- it's not the most intuitive system, but it's possible. And I've seen meta and other interesting discussions on there too. It's just one of those things where if you want meta and discussion, you have to start creating it yourself and see who pays attention.


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